Justiça e Transição
Sérgio Mazina Martins
MARTINS, Sérgio Mazina. Justiça e transição. In Boletim IBCCRIM. São Paulo : IBCCRIM, ano 18, n. 215, p. 02, out., 2010.
Transição é avanço, passagem, caminhada. Não é esquecimento. Bem ao contrário, é o abandono de um passado que se conhece e que, precisamente porque se conhece, não se deseja repetir. Transição é conceito difícil para uma justiça. De regra, as justiças são inertes e indispostas a transitar. Tanto que elas próprias não transitam, pois quem realmente transita, e as empurra, é o povo, este, sim, agente de transformação. Aliás, ainda mais complicado falar-se em transição em terras que preferem a sombra, a permanência, as casas avarandadas e as continuidades.
Na terra brasilis viceja uma herança forte, de um reino dito cadaveroso, incomodado pela situação moderna (o ilusionismo pombalino praticava um liberalismo de aparências). Dos portugueses, recebemos esse dom de prestidigitadores, um tipo paradoxal de dialética do estancamento, de sorte que tudo o que mais vale é precisamente isso: romper continuando, de sorte que não se rompa, mas que se continue.(1) Que se lembre a independência, a qual, logo no seu primeiro ato, consagrou imperador ninguém menos que o filho primogênito do rei português (de quem tanto se queria, ou se dizia, independer).
Vasto elenco de falsas rupturas seguiu-se desde então. Rupturas saídas da mesma fornalha em que, uma a uma, eram meticulosamente jogadas todas as novidades que por aqui chegavam. Nela, na fornalha, as novidades se cozinhavam, eram azeitadas e dissolvidas, perdendo a acidez original, temperando-se para agradar o metabolismo e os paladares mais delicados de nossas elites. Estas, sim, cada vez mais pançudas.
Desta parte do Novo Mundo, a transição mais recente é chamada democrática, pela qual se busca superar o chamado militarismo latino-americano, de traço autoritário. Mas, há quem contradiga esse mesmo militarismo, assim na pureza do termo. Raymundo Faoro, que muito pensou o Brasil, escreveu certa feita que foi o agrarismo, muito mais que o militarismo, que realmente forjou nossa cultura política.(2)
Não é simples jogo de palavras. Desde sempre, foi bem esquisito esse tal militarismo que, por toda a América hispânica, fazia de tudo um pouco, menos guerras (quando se entenda por guerra, é claro, aquele confronto em que tropas de verdade, preparadas e armadas, enfrentam por tempo certo, na valentia, de outro lado, tropas também de verdade, preparadas e armadas). Por aqui, na América, a guerra que Cortez desde antes inventara contra Montezuma não era nada disso, mas campanha genocida, com ataque direto e interminável a povo desarmado, indefeso e enganado.(3) Matriz, portanto, de um militarismo que cabe dizer genuinamente atrofiado. Ele não luta, mas massacra sem parar, muito.
Quando teve mesmo que lutar guerra de verdade, no mais das vezes, enfiou os pés pelas mãos, atabalhoado (pense-se, recentemente, nas Malvinas). Militarismo esquisito, atávico, que corre para fazer a paz nas fronteiras – poucos tiveram fronteiras extensas assim tão quietas, como a América Latina – e, ao mesmo tempo, apressado em fazer “guerra” ao povo, dentro delas. Pacífico, diplomático e colaborativo, quando a coisa é com os outros. Agressivo, valentão e impiedoso, quando a briga é com sua própria gente.
São linhas que também escreveram o militarismo brasileiro. Antes foi aquele das Bandeiras ou de Emboabas, de Palmares ou de Canudos, sempre voltado para dentro de si mesmo. Hoje, é o militarismo que toma para si a ideia de segurança pública (para dano da ideia civil de policiamento), subindo morros com tanques, helicópteros e outros apetrechos de guerra. Ou sitiando periferias em operações midiáticas e espetaculares. Seus inimigos de sempre não são exércitos de verdade ou nações estrangeiras, mas migrantes, negros, sertanejos, pobres, índios, vagabundos, capoeiras, anarquistas, comunistas, grevistas e, agora, qualquer tipo de gente tida por genericamente perigosa. Militarismo cujas botas servem para arrombar portas de moradias, acordando famílias assustadas, madrugada adentro, aos berros.
Podemos então dizer que uma ditadura militar é duas vezes usurpadora. Primeiramente porque é ditadura, mas também porque se autonomina militar, esquecendo-se – querendo que seja esquecido! – que guerra de gente valente é aquela que se faz para fora, não para dentro, sob pena de perversão absoluta das ideias de militar e de guerra.
Transição? É muito difícil qualificar assim processos tão complexos. Bem mais continuidades, isso que temos por aqui, no passar dos séculos. Vejam o que se preocupou agora em acusar: não os generais e os negócios de estirpe que patrocinavam as usurpações – afinal, não houve por aí quem dissesse ser essa ditadura um mal necessário? –, mas os terroristas que, deixando de lado aquela tal cordialidade (palavra citada no ouvir dizer), pegaram em armas para matar, roubar e insurgir.
Ora, alguém, por aí, perdeu muita aula. Não foi o século XVIII que nos constituiu o direito de resistência contra os usurpadores do político (e, com mais razão, contra aqueles que são duplamente usurpadores)? Ora, resistir constitui então dever cívico. E resistir a esse militarismo – como vimos, mais cênico que real – implica usar dos mesmos meios que os agressores (inclusive armas, quando armados eles primeiramente se puseram). Portanto, se não resisti, então sou eu quem deve desculpas, já que me amedrontei, e não quem o fez à custa, sabidamente, de sua família, paz, coisas e carne. Mas não nos espantemos com esses equívocos. Um povo que não sabe onde fica a própria tragédia, também não saberá dizer, é claro, onde está seu heroísmo.
Estamos sempre às voltas com o autoperdão, a mais cínica de todas as grosserias. Quem perdoa a si próprio é porque planeja, no seu íntimo, continuar a ofender. Engendra repetir a mágoa e voltará, mais cedo ou mais tarde, a fazê-lo. Tanto que se perdoou e apressou a banhar-se com água. Sobre essas coisas, conta-se que os primeiros imperadores da cristandade – inclusive Constantino – postergavam a decisão de batizar-se, fazendo-o apenas à vista da morte. Assim, podiam continuar pecando para, somente no instante certo, serem absolvidos de um lote maior de faltas.(4) Espertos, esses imperadores que guardavam pecados em conta-corrente: é temerário precipitar o perdão.
Ora, é possível que um caso erroneamente julgado fique por um instante irrecorrido por conta de uma dada conformação do que seja justiça de um país, na voz daqueles que pensam que têm voz. Mas isso não quer dizer que a justiça – enquanto força, ideia e princípio de um povo – tenha necessariamente se esgotado ou enrouquecido para sempre. Ela continua viva. Mesmo biografias são reescritas a qualquer momento e é confortante saber que todas, afinal, serão certamente reescritas. Desde já, sabemos que a punição dos crimes cometidos pela recente ditadura militar brasileira está sendo objeto de julgamentos novos e importantes, além de nossas fronteiras, pela comunidade humana. O povo ainda fará muitos julgamentos. Isso é o que mais nos importa. A isso e apenas a isso tributamos, portanto, nosso interesse.
(1) Vale referir: NEDER, Gizlene. Iluminismo jurídico-penal luso-brasileiro: obediência e submissão. Rio de Janeiro: Freitas Bastos, 2000. Col. Pensamento Criminológico, v. 4.
(2) FAORO, Raymundo. Os donos do poder: formação do patronato político brasileiro. 3ª ed. São Paulo: Globo, 2001, p. 683.
(3) Sobre isso, ver. TODOROV, Tzvetan. A conquista da América: a questão do outro. Trad. Beatriz Perrone-Moisés. 3ª ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2003. Col. Tópicos.
(4) VEYNE, Paul. Quando nosso mundo se tornou cristão: 312-394. Trad. Marcos de Castro. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2010, p. 97-100. Aliás, havia desde antes uma sabedoria sobre o batismo que o medievalismo apressou-se em perder: o arrependimento não é coisa que se sente, mas coisa que se pratica. Daí que o cristão antigo tinha que pensar muito antes de deixar-se batizar, pois isso lhe implicava todo um regime novo e piedoso de vida que bem valia a pena retardar.
Sérgio Mazina Martins
Presidente do IBCCRIM.
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Justiça e Transição - Sérgio Mazina Martins
Respeitar a coisa julgada. Coisa rara no mundo da LEP - TJSC - Grande Advogado
Habeas Corpus n. 2010.047069-3, da Capital
Relator Designado: Des. Torres Marques
Vistos, relatados e discutidos estes autos de Habeas Corpus n. 2010.047069-x, da comarca da Capital (Vara de Execuções Penais), em que é impetrante Victor José de Oliveira da Luz Fontes, e paciente FSS:
ACORDAM, em Terceira Câmara Criminal, por maioria de votos, conceder a ordem, determinando a expedição de alvará de soltura, se por outro motivo não estiver preso. Vencido o Exmo. Des. Roberto Lucas Pacheco que se manifestava no sentido de denegar a ordem.
Trata-se de habeas corpus impetrado pelo advogado Victor José de Oliveira da Luz Fontes, em favor de FSS, contra decisão proferida na Vara de Execuções Penais da comarca da Capital que, após a extinção da punibilidade do paciente, determinou o prosseguimento da execução da reprimenda.
Aduziu o impetrante (fls. 2/4) que o paciente foi condenado por infração ao disposto no art. 33, caput, da Lei n. 11.343/06, sendo iniciada a execução provisória da reprimenda em virtude da interposição de recurso pela acusação, com o objetivo de majorar a pena aplicada.
Argumentou que o apelo interposto foi provido, contudo, desconhecendo esse fato, o magistrado da execução penal declarou remidos os dias trabalhados e extinguiu a punibilidade do paciente.
Aludiu que, ao tomar conhecimento do resultando da apelação, a autoridade apontada como coatora desconsiderou a decisão anterior e determinou a expedição de mandado de prisão em desfavor do réu para resgatar o restante da pena, causando, assim, constrangimento ilegal.
Pugnou, assim, pela concessão da ordem, em caráter liminar, e sua posterior confirmação pelo Colegiado. Requereu, ainda, a fixação de honorários ao defensor nomeado.
Indeferido o pleito liminar (fls. 25/26), foram solicitadas e prestadas as informações (fls. 34/35).
A Procuradoria Geral de Justiça, em parecer da lavra do Exmo. Dr. Humberto Francisco Scharf Vieira, opinou pela denegação da ordem (fls. 45/48).
Trata-se de habeas corpus impetrado em favor de Felipe Sousa da Silveira contra a decisão que determinou a expedição de mandado de prisão após ter sido declarada extinta sua punibilidade.
Compulsando os autos, em especial as informações prestadas pela autoridade apontada como coatora (fls. 34/35), constata-se que o paciente foi condenado à pena de 1 (um) ano e 8 (oito) meses de reclusão, em regime fechado, e 166 (cento e sessenta e seis) dias-multa, no mínimo legal, por infração ao art. 33, caput, da Lei n. 11.343/06.
Diante da interposição de recurso de apelação pelo representante do Ministério Público, foi iniciada a execução provisória da reprimenda.
Citado recurso foi julgado em 12/12/2007, oportunidade em que esta Câmara deu-lhe provimento para majorar a reprimenda imposta ao paciente ao quantum de 4 (quatro) anos e 2 (dois) de reclusão e 416 (quatrocentos e dezesseis) dias-multa (fls. 10/15).
Não obstante, desconhecendo o teor do mencionado acórdão, diante de requerimento formulado pela autoridade administrativa e do parecer favorável do Ministério Público, em 30/6/2008 o magistrado da execução penal declarou extinta a punibilidade do apelante pelo cumprimento da pena, considerando, para tanto, a reprimenda aplicada em primeiro grau (fls. 8/9).
Sobrevindo aos autos a decisão proferida por esta Corte – que majorou a reprimenda imposta ao paciente – em 22/8/2009 a autoridade apontada como coatora determinou a expedição de mandado de prisão visando ao cumprimento pelo paciente do saldo de pena remanescente (fl. 7).
Diante disso, percebe-se que a extinção da punibilidade do reeducando não observou a pena final imposta em grau de recurso. Contudo, a sentença transitou em julgado sem que fosse interposto recurso por parte do Ministério Público, consubstanciando, assim, coisa julgada material, o que é inarredável, ainda que houvesse interesse estatal no seguimento da execução da pena. Sobre o tema, elucida Eugênio Pacelli de Oliveira:
O mesmo ocorrerá em relação à decisão que, atendendo requerimento do Ministério Público, arquiva o inquérito com fundamento na extinção da punibilidade do delito, pela ocorrência da prescrição ou qualquer das outras causas previstas em lei. Embora não haja aqui apreciação do mérito, ou seja, embora, em regra, não se examine a ocorrência efetiva do fato, nem se o réu seria realmente o seu autor, tal decisão estará solucionando a pretensão penal, no ponto em que afirma expressamente a ausência de interesse estatal na punibilidade do delito, ainda que acaso existente. (Curso de processo penal. 11 ed. Ed. Lumen Juris: Rio de Janeiro, 2009, p. 543/544).
Mutatis mutandis, colhe-se desta Câmara:
Posto isso, solução outra não há senão a concessão da ordem, determinando a imediata expedição de alvará de soltura em favor do paciente, se por outro motivo não estiver preso.
De outro tanto, tendo em vista que foi o defensor foi nomeado para fins de impetração da ordem, fixa-se a verba honorária em 10 (dez) URH's, nos termos da Lei Complementar n. 155/97.
Ante o exposto, concede-se a ordem, determinando a expedição de alvará de soltura, se por outro motivo não estiver preso. Vencido o Exmo. Des. Roberto Lucas Pacheco que se manifestava no sentido de denegar a ordem.
Participaram do julgamento, realizado no dia 14 de setembro de 2010, os Exmos. Des. Roberto Lucas Pacheco e Paulo Roberto Camargo Costa. Funcionou na sessão, pela Procuradoria Geral de Justiça, o Exmo. Dr. Sérgio Rizelo.
Florianópolis, 6 de outubro de 2010.
Torres Marques
Declaração de voto vencido do Exmo. Sr. Des. Substituto Roberto Lucas Pacheco.
Ementa Aditiva
Ousei divergir da douta maioria porque, com o devido respeito, entendi que o habeas corpus deveria ter sido denegado, tendo em vista que o reconhecimento do trânsito em julgado pelo magistrado singular foi equivocado, configurando evidente erro material.
Inicialmente, importante fazer um breve histórico dos fatos.
Analisando-se as informações contidas no Sistema de Automação do Poder Judiciário – SAJ, em conjunto com aquelas prestadas pela autoridade impetrada (fls. 34/42), verifica-se:
– em 21.6.2007 o paciente foi condenado à pena de 1 ano e 8 meses de reclusão pela prática do crime de tráfico de drogas (Lei n. 11.343/06, art. 33, caput);
– em 18.7.2007 houve a interposição de recurso de apelação pelo Ministério Público;
– em 20.7.2007 ocorreu o trânsito em julgado para a defesa;
– em 24.8.2007 o recurso foi encaminhado a este juízo ad quem;
– em 5.9.2007 foi iniciado o processo de execução criminal (autos n. 023.07.126035-0);
– em 30.1.2008 foi publicado o acórdão proferido por esta Câmara que deu provimento parcial ao recurso do Ministério Público, majorando a pena do paciente para 4 anos e 2 meses de reclusão;
– em 6.8.2008 foi requerido pela autoridade administrativa a extinção da pena de 1 ano de 8 meses de reclusão pelo seu integral cumprimento. O magistrado a quo, após manifestação favorável do representante do Ministério Público, declarou extinta a pena privativa de liberdade em 30.6.2008;
– em 14.8.2008 foi juntado aos autos da execução o ofício n. 02306380724-9-000-007, da 1.ª Vara Criminal, emitido em 5.5.2008, encaminhando a cópia do acórdão referente à Apelação Criminal n. 2007.042674-8, informando ao juízo de primeiro grau o provimento parcial do recurso do Ministério Público, estabelecendo nova reprimenda ao apenado. Tal situação deflagrou a expedição de mandado de prisão em desfavor do paciente, o qual foi cumprido em 7.7.2010;
– em 6.8.2010 foi juntado aos autos pedido de progressão de regime formulado em 14.7.2010;
– por fim, em 19.8.2010 foi concedida ao paciente a progressão para o regime aberto.
Como se vê, ao declarar extinta a punibilidade do paciente, o magistrado não se atentou para a existência de recurso de apelação interposto pelo Ministério Público, o qual foi parcialmente acolhido, culminando com a majoração da pena anteriormente fixada de 1 ano e 8 meses de reclusão para 4 anos e 2 meses de reclusão.
Portanto, o reconhecimento do trânsito em julgado pelo magistrado singular foi totalmente equivocado, configurando evidente erro material.
Nesse sentido, como bem esclareceu o ilustre Procurador de Justiça, Dr. Humberto Francisco Scharf Vieira, "resta evidente a ocorrência de erro material na decisão que extinguiu a punibilidade do paciente, uma vez que o julgamento da Apelação Criminal n. 2007.042674-8 ocorrera em 12 de dezembro de 2007 (fl. 15), sendo que, segundo o SAJ, a decisão proferida pela Terceira Câmara Criminal, transitou em julgado para as partes em 14 de fevereiro de 2008, ou seja, antes da decisão do juízo da Vara de Execuções Penais, que ocorrera em 30 de junho de 2008".
Dessa forma, não há como ser acolhida a pretensão formulada, pois os fatos contidos no caderno processual deixam claro a ocorrência de erro material que deve ser corrigido por esta Corte de Justiça.
Sobre o tema, já decidiu o Superior Tribunal de Justiça:
PROCESSUAL PENAL. HABEAS CORPUS. TRÁFICO ILÍCITO DE ENTORPECENTES E CORRUPÇÃO ATIVA. PENA PRIVATIVA DE LIBERDADE E PENA RESTRITIVA DE DIREITOS. EXTINÇÃO DA PUNIBILIDADE DECRETADA. ERRO MATERIAL. OFENSA À COISA JULGADA. NÃO-OCORRÊNCIA. ORDEM DENEGADA. 1. Tratando-se de concurso material, tráfico ilícito de entorpecentes e corrupção ativa, a extinção da punibilidade do réu, após o cumprimento de somente uma das penas imposta na condenação, carateriza erro material, que pode ser corrigido pelo próprio Juízo da execução, mesmo depois da publicação da sentença extintiva da punibilidade (art. 463 do CPC, c/c o art. 3.º do CPP), sem implicar ofensa à coisa julgada, até porque não houve a intimação do Ministério Público, apesar do tempo decorrido entre as duas decisões. 2. Ordem denegada (HC n. 40686/RS, rel. Min. Arnaldo Esteves de Lima, j. 28.6.2005).
Essas, Excelências, são as razões da minha divergência, motivo pelo qual votei pela denegação da ordem, reconhecendo-se a nulidade da sentença que extinguiu a punibilidade do paciente, ante o erro material evidenciado.
Foram estas as razões de meu voto divergente.
Florianópolis, 22 de outubro de 2010.
Roberto Lucas Pacheco
Relator Designado: Des. Torres Marques
Vistos, relatados e discutidos estes autos de Habeas Corpus n. 2010.047069-x, da comarca da Capital (Vara de Execuções Penais), em que é impetrante Victor José de Oliveira da Luz Fontes, e paciente FSS:
ACORDAM, em Terceira Câmara Criminal, por maioria de votos, conceder a ordem, determinando a expedição de alvará de soltura, se por outro motivo não estiver preso. Vencido o Exmo. Des. Roberto Lucas Pacheco que se manifestava no sentido de denegar a ordem.
Trata-se de habeas corpus impetrado pelo advogado Victor José de Oliveira da Luz Fontes, em favor de FSS, contra decisão proferida na Vara de Execuções Penais da comarca da Capital que, após a extinção da punibilidade do paciente, determinou o prosseguimento da execução da reprimenda.
Aduziu o impetrante (fls. 2/4) que o paciente foi condenado por infração ao disposto no art. 33, caput, da Lei n. 11.343/06, sendo iniciada a execução provisória da reprimenda em virtude da interposição de recurso pela acusação, com o objetivo de majorar a pena aplicada.
Argumentou que o apelo interposto foi provido, contudo, desconhecendo esse fato, o magistrado da execução penal declarou remidos os dias trabalhados e extinguiu a punibilidade do paciente.
Aludiu que, ao tomar conhecimento do resultando da apelação, a autoridade apontada como coatora desconsiderou a decisão anterior e determinou a expedição de mandado de prisão em desfavor do réu para resgatar o restante da pena, causando, assim, constrangimento ilegal.
Pugnou, assim, pela concessão da ordem, em caráter liminar, e sua posterior confirmação pelo Colegiado. Requereu, ainda, a fixação de honorários ao defensor nomeado.
Indeferido o pleito liminar (fls. 25/26), foram solicitadas e prestadas as informações (fls. 34/35).
A Procuradoria Geral de Justiça, em parecer da lavra do Exmo. Dr. Humberto Francisco Scharf Vieira, opinou pela denegação da ordem (fls. 45/48).
Trata-se de habeas corpus impetrado em favor de Felipe Sousa da Silveira contra a decisão que determinou a expedição de mandado de prisão após ter sido declarada extinta sua punibilidade.
Compulsando os autos, em especial as informações prestadas pela autoridade apontada como coatora (fls. 34/35), constata-se que o paciente foi condenado à pena de 1 (um) ano e 8 (oito) meses de reclusão, em regime fechado, e 166 (cento e sessenta e seis) dias-multa, no mínimo legal, por infração ao art. 33, caput, da Lei n. 11.343/06.
Diante da interposição de recurso de apelação pelo representante do Ministério Público, foi iniciada a execução provisória da reprimenda.
Citado recurso foi julgado em 12/12/2007, oportunidade em que esta Câmara deu-lhe provimento para majorar a reprimenda imposta ao paciente ao quantum de 4 (quatro) anos e 2 (dois) de reclusão e 416 (quatrocentos e dezesseis) dias-multa (fls. 10/15).
Não obstante, desconhecendo o teor do mencionado acórdão, diante de requerimento formulado pela autoridade administrativa e do parecer favorável do Ministério Público, em 30/6/2008 o magistrado da execução penal declarou extinta a punibilidade do apelante pelo cumprimento da pena, considerando, para tanto, a reprimenda aplicada em primeiro grau (fls. 8/9).
Sobrevindo aos autos a decisão proferida por esta Corte – que majorou a reprimenda imposta ao paciente – em 22/8/2009 a autoridade apontada como coatora determinou a expedição de mandado de prisão visando ao cumprimento pelo paciente do saldo de pena remanescente (fl. 7).
Diante disso, percebe-se que a extinção da punibilidade do reeducando não observou a pena final imposta em grau de recurso. Contudo, a sentença transitou em julgado sem que fosse interposto recurso por parte do Ministério Público, consubstanciando, assim, coisa julgada material, o que é inarredável, ainda que houvesse interesse estatal no seguimento da execução da pena. Sobre o tema, elucida Eugênio Pacelli de Oliveira:
O mesmo ocorrerá em relação à decisão que, atendendo requerimento do Ministério Público, arquiva o inquérito com fundamento na extinção da punibilidade do delito, pela ocorrência da prescrição ou qualquer das outras causas previstas em lei. Embora não haja aqui apreciação do mérito, ou seja, embora, em regra, não se examine a ocorrência efetiva do fato, nem se o réu seria realmente o seu autor, tal decisão estará solucionando a pretensão penal, no ponto em que afirma expressamente a ausência de interesse estatal na punibilidade do delito, ainda que acaso existente. (Curso de processo penal. 11 ed. Ed. Lumen Juris: Rio de Janeiro, 2009, p. 543/544).
Mutatis mutandis, colhe-se desta Câmara:
Posto isso, solução outra não há senão a concessão da ordem, determinando a imediata expedição de alvará de soltura em favor do paciente, se por outro motivo não estiver preso.
De outro tanto, tendo em vista que foi o defensor foi nomeado para fins de impetração da ordem, fixa-se a verba honorária em 10 (dez) URH's, nos termos da Lei Complementar n. 155/97.
Ante o exposto, concede-se a ordem, determinando a expedição de alvará de soltura, se por outro motivo não estiver preso. Vencido o Exmo. Des. Roberto Lucas Pacheco que se manifestava no sentido de denegar a ordem.
Participaram do julgamento, realizado no dia 14 de setembro de 2010, os Exmos. Des. Roberto Lucas Pacheco e Paulo Roberto Camargo Costa. Funcionou na sessão, pela Procuradoria Geral de Justiça, o Exmo. Dr. Sérgio Rizelo.
Florianópolis, 6 de outubro de 2010.
Torres Marques
Declaração de voto vencido do Exmo. Sr. Des. Substituto Roberto Lucas Pacheco.
Ementa Aditiva
Ousei divergir da douta maioria porque, com o devido respeito, entendi que o habeas corpus deveria ter sido denegado, tendo em vista que o reconhecimento do trânsito em julgado pelo magistrado singular foi equivocado, configurando evidente erro material.
Inicialmente, importante fazer um breve histórico dos fatos.
Analisando-se as informações contidas no Sistema de Automação do Poder Judiciário – SAJ, em conjunto com aquelas prestadas pela autoridade impetrada (fls. 34/42), verifica-se:
– em 21.6.2007 o paciente foi condenado à pena de 1 ano e 8 meses de reclusão pela prática do crime de tráfico de drogas (Lei n. 11.343/06, art. 33, caput);
– em 18.7.2007 houve a interposição de recurso de apelação pelo Ministério Público;
– em 20.7.2007 ocorreu o trânsito em julgado para a defesa;
– em 24.8.2007 o recurso foi encaminhado a este juízo ad quem;
– em 5.9.2007 foi iniciado o processo de execução criminal (autos n. 023.07.126035-0);
– em 30.1.2008 foi publicado o acórdão proferido por esta Câmara que deu provimento parcial ao recurso do Ministério Público, majorando a pena do paciente para 4 anos e 2 meses de reclusão;
– em 6.8.2008 foi requerido pela autoridade administrativa a extinção da pena de 1 ano de 8 meses de reclusão pelo seu integral cumprimento. O magistrado a quo, após manifestação favorável do representante do Ministério Público, declarou extinta a pena privativa de liberdade em 30.6.2008;
– em 14.8.2008 foi juntado aos autos da execução o ofício n. 02306380724-9-000-007, da 1.ª Vara Criminal, emitido em 5.5.2008, encaminhando a cópia do acórdão referente à Apelação Criminal n. 2007.042674-8, informando ao juízo de primeiro grau o provimento parcial do recurso do Ministério Público, estabelecendo nova reprimenda ao apenado. Tal situação deflagrou a expedição de mandado de prisão em desfavor do paciente, o qual foi cumprido em 7.7.2010;
– em 6.8.2010 foi juntado aos autos pedido de progressão de regime formulado em 14.7.2010;
– por fim, em 19.8.2010 foi concedida ao paciente a progressão para o regime aberto.
Como se vê, ao declarar extinta a punibilidade do paciente, o magistrado não se atentou para a existência de recurso de apelação interposto pelo Ministério Público, o qual foi parcialmente acolhido, culminando com a majoração da pena anteriormente fixada de 1 ano e 8 meses de reclusão para 4 anos e 2 meses de reclusão.
Portanto, o reconhecimento do trânsito em julgado pelo magistrado singular foi totalmente equivocado, configurando evidente erro material.
Nesse sentido, como bem esclareceu o ilustre Procurador de Justiça, Dr. Humberto Francisco Scharf Vieira, "resta evidente a ocorrência de erro material na decisão que extinguiu a punibilidade do paciente, uma vez que o julgamento da Apelação Criminal n. 2007.042674-8 ocorrera em 12 de dezembro de 2007 (fl. 15), sendo que, segundo o SAJ, a decisão proferida pela Terceira Câmara Criminal, transitou em julgado para as partes em 14 de fevereiro de 2008, ou seja, antes da decisão do juízo da Vara de Execuções Penais, que ocorrera em 30 de junho de 2008".
Dessa forma, não há como ser acolhida a pretensão formulada, pois os fatos contidos no caderno processual deixam claro a ocorrência de erro material que deve ser corrigido por esta Corte de Justiça.
Sobre o tema, já decidiu o Superior Tribunal de Justiça:
PROCESSUAL PENAL. HABEAS CORPUS. TRÁFICO ILÍCITO DE ENTORPECENTES E CORRUPÇÃO ATIVA. PENA PRIVATIVA DE LIBERDADE E PENA RESTRITIVA DE DIREITOS. EXTINÇÃO DA PUNIBILIDADE DECRETADA. ERRO MATERIAL. OFENSA À COISA JULGADA. NÃO-OCORRÊNCIA. ORDEM DENEGADA. 1. Tratando-se de concurso material, tráfico ilícito de entorpecentes e corrupção ativa, a extinção da punibilidade do réu, após o cumprimento de somente uma das penas imposta na condenação, carateriza erro material, que pode ser corrigido pelo próprio Juízo da execução, mesmo depois da publicação da sentença extintiva da punibilidade (art. 463 do CPC, c/c o art. 3.º do CPP), sem implicar ofensa à coisa julgada, até porque não houve a intimação do Ministério Público, apesar do tempo decorrido entre as duas decisões. 2. Ordem denegada (HC n. 40686/RS, rel. Min. Arnaldo Esteves de Lima, j. 28.6.2005).
Essas, Excelências, são as razões da minha divergência, motivo pelo qual votei pela denegação da ordem, reconhecendo-se a nulidade da sentença que extinguiu a punibilidade do paciente, ante o erro material evidenciado.
Foram estas as razões de meu voto divergente.
Florianópolis, 22 de outubro de 2010.
Roberto Lucas Pacheco
Novo Livro Adauto Suannes. Recomendo. O cara é bom!
Menas Verdades - o livro
"A Turma formada em 1960 pela Faculdade de Direito da USP, a velha e sempre nova Academia, será homenageada pela OAB/SP, por seu Jubileu de Cinquentenário, em solenidade a realizar-se no dia 15/10, sexta-feira próxima, seguida de almoço de confraternização. E para sua simpatia, o que é? O Quim quim querum!"
Elias Katudjian
(Migalhas dos leitores
14 de outubro de 2010)
Já que és um grandessíssimo mão-de-vaca, desses que ficam de pé diante da banca de jornais da esquina para ler as notícias do dia e economizar uns trocados para o cigarro, certamente não vais gastar 35 pratas (clique aqui) para adquirir o livro.
Assim, faço a gentileza de exibir-lhe a apresentação dele feita pelo Juca Kfouri, que poderá ser lida a leite de pato, como se dizia no tempo do teu avô. Quando mais não seja, para mostrar quão importante é termos amigos.
"Meu filho, procure passar o mais longe que você puder do fórum. Evite ter contatos com a Justiça até como testemunha. Porque eu sei como ela é feita.
Pobre Dr. Carlos Alberto Gouvêa Kfouri, meu pai, promotor público, procurador de Justiça. Estivesse vivo e sei lá como reagiria ao saber que o filho é, ou já foi, réu em mais de uma centena de processos, por crimes de imprensa, injúria, calúnia e difamação, essas coisas. Liberal, democrata convicto, erudito, o velho morreu desencantado com a justiça (assim mesmo, em minúscula e adiante, no livro, você entenderá por quê).
A justiça dos homens só poderia mesmo ser imperfeita e como não acredito na divina fico no mato sem cachorro, o que não é de todo mau, porque entre meus inúmeros defeitos está o de não gostar de animais pequenos. Embora adore cavalos - e foi como se estivesse montado num de raça que li o que você lerá a seguir.
Prepare-se para rir (muito), ficar deprimido (mas só se tiver tendência) e, principalmente, para tomar uma boa dose de realismo. Porque o meu caro Dr. Adauto Suannes (antiquíssimo novo amigo) não deixa pedra sobre pedra.
Herético, dirão os adeptos da impostura. Ácido, dirá alguém com dificuldade de digestão. Crítico, qualquer um constatará. Mas, sobretudo, realista. E muito bem-humorado.
Realista, garanto eu, que já fui condenado em primeira instância por uma jovem juíza que simplesmente inverteu o depoimento de uma das minhas testemunhas. A sentença, a bem da verdade, foi anulada por vício insanável 15 dias depois. A juíza, eu soube depois, era filha de um desembargador carioca, velho freguês dos voos da alegria da CBF em Copas do Mundo.
Nomes? Melhor nem dá-los, para não magoá-los. Ou porque cachorro mordido de cobra tem medo de linguiça.
Mas voltemos ao Menas Verdades.
Dr. Suannes e eu temos muitas convergências e algumas poucas divergências, estas de menas importância, diga-se de passagem, embora ele fustigue até algumas pessoas que me são caras. Fiquemos, no entanto, no que nos une, como dizíamos nos tempos da ditadura militar. A começar pelo basquete, que ambos jogamos. E posso testemunhar, pelo menos de minha parte, já que não o vi jogar, com brilho.
A continuar pelo corintianismo que ambos professamos. Quase a terminar, pelo repúdio ao autoritarismo e à falta de ética.
E não são poucas as pessoas bem citadas que fazem parte da minha vida, colegas queridos de meu pai com os quais convivi intimamente. Ou com quem aprendi as rarefeitas noções de Direito que tenho, como Nelson Hungria, op. cit., pág. 72, jargão a que tive de me acostumar quando ajudava na revisão dos pareceres de meu velho.
E quantos casos deliciosos, exemplares, para o bem e para o mal, são aqui contados. Do alcoolismo, que é doença sim senhor, ao plágio; dos maçons aos católicos; do você sabe com quem está falando às ponderações sobre o delicado tema do nepotismo, tudo num texto com personalidade e ritmo de tirar o fôlego - e que ridiculariza desde o preconceito (e os que juram que nem sabem o que é isso) até o famoso juridiquês, pior até que letra de médico.
Passaria horas aqui esmiuçando coisas e loisas e mariposas até correr o risco de estragar o prazer da descoberta. Razão pela qual fico por aqui, com uma frase que diz tudo e que aprendi com o Dr. Suannes: Se não consigo mudar o mundo, que o mundo não me mude".
Se o texto não lhe serviu para muita coisa, ponha no toca CD aquele disco do MPB4, onde eles dizem que amigo é pra essas coisas e que o apreço não tem preço.
A coluna Circus, integrante do site Migalhas (www.migalhas.com.br), é assinada pelo ilustre migalheiro Adauto Suannes. Para ler os Circus anteriores, clique aqui.
"A Turma formada em 1960 pela Faculdade de Direito da USP, a velha e sempre nova Academia, será homenageada pela OAB/SP, por seu Jubileu de Cinquentenário, em solenidade a realizar-se no dia 15/10, sexta-feira próxima, seguida de almoço de confraternização. E para sua simpatia, o que é? O Quim quim querum!"
Elias Katudjian
(Migalhas dos leitores
14 de outubro de 2010)
Já que és um grandessíssimo mão-de-vaca, desses que ficam de pé diante da banca de jornais da esquina para ler as notícias do dia e economizar uns trocados para o cigarro, certamente não vais gastar 35 pratas (clique aqui) para adquirir o livro.
Assim, faço a gentileza de exibir-lhe a apresentação dele feita pelo Juca Kfouri, que poderá ser lida a leite de pato, como se dizia no tempo do teu avô. Quando mais não seja, para mostrar quão importante é termos amigos.
"Meu filho, procure passar o mais longe que você puder do fórum. Evite ter contatos com a Justiça até como testemunha. Porque eu sei como ela é feita.
Pobre Dr. Carlos Alberto Gouvêa Kfouri, meu pai, promotor público, procurador de Justiça. Estivesse vivo e sei lá como reagiria ao saber que o filho é, ou já foi, réu em mais de uma centena de processos, por crimes de imprensa, injúria, calúnia e difamação, essas coisas. Liberal, democrata convicto, erudito, o velho morreu desencantado com a justiça (assim mesmo, em minúscula e adiante, no livro, você entenderá por quê).
A justiça dos homens só poderia mesmo ser imperfeita e como não acredito na divina fico no mato sem cachorro, o que não é de todo mau, porque entre meus inúmeros defeitos está o de não gostar de animais pequenos. Embora adore cavalos - e foi como se estivesse montado num de raça que li o que você lerá a seguir.
Prepare-se para rir (muito), ficar deprimido (mas só se tiver tendência) e, principalmente, para tomar uma boa dose de realismo. Porque o meu caro Dr. Adauto Suannes (antiquíssimo novo amigo) não deixa pedra sobre pedra.
Herético, dirão os adeptos da impostura. Ácido, dirá alguém com dificuldade de digestão. Crítico, qualquer um constatará. Mas, sobretudo, realista. E muito bem-humorado.
Realista, garanto eu, que já fui condenado em primeira instância por uma jovem juíza que simplesmente inverteu o depoimento de uma das minhas testemunhas. A sentença, a bem da verdade, foi anulada por vício insanável 15 dias depois. A juíza, eu soube depois, era filha de um desembargador carioca, velho freguês dos voos da alegria da CBF em Copas do Mundo.
Nomes? Melhor nem dá-los, para não magoá-los. Ou porque cachorro mordido de cobra tem medo de linguiça.
Mas voltemos ao Menas Verdades.
Dr. Suannes e eu temos muitas convergências e algumas poucas divergências, estas de menas importância, diga-se de passagem, embora ele fustigue até algumas pessoas que me são caras. Fiquemos, no entanto, no que nos une, como dizíamos nos tempos da ditadura militar. A começar pelo basquete, que ambos jogamos. E posso testemunhar, pelo menos de minha parte, já que não o vi jogar, com brilho.
A continuar pelo corintianismo que ambos professamos. Quase a terminar, pelo repúdio ao autoritarismo e à falta de ética.
E não são poucas as pessoas bem citadas que fazem parte da minha vida, colegas queridos de meu pai com os quais convivi intimamente. Ou com quem aprendi as rarefeitas noções de Direito que tenho, como Nelson Hungria, op. cit., pág. 72, jargão a que tive de me acostumar quando ajudava na revisão dos pareceres de meu velho.
E quantos casos deliciosos, exemplares, para o bem e para o mal, são aqui contados. Do alcoolismo, que é doença sim senhor, ao plágio; dos maçons aos católicos; do você sabe com quem está falando às ponderações sobre o delicado tema do nepotismo, tudo num texto com personalidade e ritmo de tirar o fôlego - e que ridiculariza desde o preconceito (e os que juram que nem sabem o que é isso) até o famoso juridiquês, pior até que letra de médico.
Passaria horas aqui esmiuçando coisas e loisas e mariposas até correr o risco de estragar o prazer da descoberta. Razão pela qual fico por aqui, com uma frase que diz tudo e que aprendi com o Dr. Suannes: Se não consigo mudar o mundo, que o mundo não me mude".
Se o texto não lhe serviu para muita coisa, ponha no toca CD aquele disco do MPB4, onde eles dizem que amigo é pra essas coisas e que o apreço não tem preço.
A coluna Circus, integrante do site Migalhas (www.migalhas.com.br), é assinada pelo ilustre migalheiro Adauto Suannes. Para ler os Circus anteriores, clique aqui.
Direito e DItadura - Seminário UFSC
a programação do Semínário "Direito e Ditadura" já se encontra disponível no seguinte endereço: CLIQUE AQUI
Stj - Informativo 449
A Turma concedeu a ordem de habeas corpus a paciente condenado pelo delito de tráfico de entorpecentes a fim de garantir-lhe a possibilidade de substituição da pena privativa de liberdade em restritiva de direitos, conforme orientação adotada pelo STF no HC 97.256-RS, julgado em 1º/9/2010, que declarou a inconstitucionalidade dos arts. 33, § 4º, e 44 da Lei n. 11.343/2006. Esse posicionamento foi acatado após voto-vista do Min. Gilson Dipp, oportunidade em que o Min. Relator retificou o voto no qual denegava a ordem, mas com ressalva quanto ao seu ponto de vista. HC 163.233-SP, Rel. Min. Napoleão Nunes Maia Filho, julgado em 28/9/2010.
A Turma concedeu a ordem de habeas corpus a paciente denunciado pela suposta prática do delito tipificado no art. 311, caput, do CP (adulteração de sinal identificador de veículo automotor) ante o reconhecimento da atipicidade da conduta. In casu, o réu foi acusado de ter substituído a placa original do reboque com o qual trafegava em rodovia federal. Entretanto, de acordo com o Min. Relator, a classificação estabelecida pelo art. 96 da Lei n. 9.503/1997 (Código de Trânsito Brasileiro) situa os veículos automotores e os veículos de reboque ou semirreboque em categorias distintas, diferença também evidenciada pelo conceito que lhes é atribuído pelo Manual Básico de Segurança no Trânsito, elaborado pela Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veículos Automotores (Anfavea). Asseverou, ademais, que o legislador, ao criminalizar a prática descrita no art. 311 do CP, assim o fez por razões de política criminal, para coibir a crescente comercialização clandestina de uma classe específica de veículos e resguardar a fé pública. Concluiu, portanto, estar ausente o elemento normativo do tipo – categoria de veículo automotor –, ressaltando que a interpretação extensiva do aludido dispositivo ao veículo de reboque caracterizaria analogia in malam partem, o que ofenderia o princípio da legalidade estrita. HC 134.794-RS, Rel. Min. Jorge Mussi, julgado em 28/9/2010.
A jurisprudência assente na Turma dispõe que, para incidir a majorante prevista no art. 157, § 2º, I, do CP, é imprescindível apreender a arma para, posteriormente, aferir sua potencialidade lesiva mediante perícia. No caso, o exame pericial constatou que ela não se encontrava apta para a realização de disparo, assim, afasta-se o acréscimo decorrente do emprego de arma. Logo, a Turma concedeu a ordem, afastando a mencionada qualificadora. Precedentes citados: HC 111.769-SP, DJe 3/8/2009, e AgRg no HC 111.143-RS, DJe 2/3/2009. HC 118.439-SP, Rel. Min. Og Fernandes, julgado em 28/9/2010.
A Turma concedeu a ordem de habeas corpus a paciente condenado pelo delito de tráfico de entorpecentes a fim de garantir-lhe a possibilidade de substituição da pena privativa de liberdade em restritiva de direitos, conforme orientação adotada pelo STF no HC 97.256-RS, julgado em 1º/9/2010, que declarou a inconstitucionalidade dos arts. 33, § 4º, e 44 da Lei n. 11.343/2006. Esse posicionamento foi acatado após voto-vista do Min. Gilson Dipp, oportunidade em que o Min. Relator retificou o voto no qual denegava a ordem, mas com ressalva quanto ao seu ponto de vista. HC 163.233-SP, Rel. Min. Napoleão Nunes Maia Filho, julgado em 28/9/2010.
A Turma concedeu a ordem de habeas corpus a paciente denunciado pela suposta prática do delito tipificado no art. 311, caput, do CP (adulteração de sinal identificador de veículo automotor) ante o reconhecimento da atipicidade da conduta. In casu, o réu foi acusado de ter substituído a placa original do reboque com o qual trafegava em rodovia federal. Entretanto, de acordo com o Min. Relator, a classificação estabelecida pelo art. 96 da Lei n. 9.503/1997 (Código de Trânsito Brasileiro) situa os veículos automotores e os veículos de reboque ou semirreboque em categorias distintas, diferença também evidenciada pelo conceito que lhes é atribuído pelo Manual Básico de Segurança no Trânsito, elaborado pela Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veículos Automotores (Anfavea). Asseverou, ademais, que o legislador, ao criminalizar a prática descrita no art. 311 do CP, assim o fez por razões de política criminal, para coibir a crescente comercialização clandestina de uma classe específica de veículos e resguardar a fé pública. Concluiu, portanto, estar ausente o elemento normativo do tipo – categoria de veículo automotor –, ressaltando que a interpretação extensiva do aludido dispositivo ao veículo de reboque caracterizaria analogia in malam partem, o que ofenderia o princípio da legalidade estrita. HC 134.794-RS, Rel. Min. Jorge Mussi, julgado em 28/9/2010.
A jurisprudência assente na Turma dispõe que, para incidir a majorante prevista no art. 157, § 2º, I, do CP, é imprescindível apreender a arma para, posteriormente, aferir sua potencialidade lesiva mediante perícia. No caso, o exame pericial constatou que ela não se encontrava apta para a realização de disparo, assim, afasta-se o acréscimo decorrente do emprego de arma. Logo, a Turma concedeu a ordem, afastando a mencionada qualificadora. Precedentes citados: HC 111.769-SP, DJe 3/8/2009, e AgRg no HC 111.143-RS, DJe 2/3/2009. HC 118.439-SP, Rel. Min. Og Fernandes, julgado em 28/9/2010.
Livro novo - Artigo meu. Recomendo. COnvite dos organizadores
Prezados amigos, é com muito prazer que escrevemos para anunciar, após três anos de espera, que o livro "Encontros entre Direito e Literatura II: ética, estética e política", fruto dos dois últimos Seminários de Direito e Literatura, organizados pelo grupo de estudos Novum Organum? Temáticas entre Direito e Literatura, da PUCRS, será lançado no dia 06 de novembro às 18h e 30min (conforme convite em anexo), na 56ª Feira do Livro de Porto Alegre. Queremos agradecer mais uma vez a especial participação de cada um de vocês na composição dessa obra.
Aproveitamos para expor o sumário do livro, a título de divulgação:
A Cegueira Branca do Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira e a Clareza da Racionalidade Jurídica
Alexandra Biezus Kunze
O Processo Penal entre a Clareza da Racionalidade Jurídica e a Complexidade da Cultura Contemporânea: apontamentos desde O Ensaio sobre a Cegueira e O Estrangeiro
Daniel Silva Achutti
Um Admirável Novo Direito: autopoiese, risco e altas tecnologias sanitárias
Germano Schwartz
Sobre Estética – 99 Aforismos
Ricardo Timm de Souza
Formação Estética, Ética e Política. Criação e Sentido para o Mundo
Cynthia Farina
Uma Época Sem Nome: sobre a tautologia do tempo perdido
Luciano Mattuella
Freud, a Psicanálise e a sua Relação com a Literatura: alguns apontamentos
Maria Alice Timm de Souza
Literatura e Psicanálise nas Decisões Penais: enunciando impossibilidades
Alexandre Morais da Rosa
A Criminologia na Alcova (diálogo com Marquês de Sade)
Salo de Carvalho
Muito Além do Bem e do Mal – a produção do desvio e da reação social como artefatos culturais
Rodrigo Azevedo
A Retomada da Temporalidade na Leitura Criminológica: aproximando literatura e criminologia
Alexandre Costi Pandolfo
A Expressão mais Justa
Caleb Farias Santos
Semiologia do discurso jurídico e da interpretação: a reabertura da caixa de Pandora
Clarice Beatriz da Costa Söhngen
Ontologia e simulacro na pós-modernidade de janus: alteridade e impossibilidade face a síndrome de perseu
Ricardo Aronne
Os organizadores,
Alexandre e Clarice.
Aproveitamos para expor o sumário do livro, a título de divulgação:
A Cegueira Branca do Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira e a Clareza da Racionalidade Jurídica
Alexandra Biezus Kunze
O Processo Penal entre a Clareza da Racionalidade Jurídica e a Complexidade da Cultura Contemporânea: apontamentos desde O Ensaio sobre a Cegueira e O Estrangeiro
Daniel Silva Achutti
Um Admirável Novo Direito: autopoiese, risco e altas tecnologias sanitárias
Germano Schwartz
Sobre Estética – 99 Aforismos
Ricardo Timm de Souza
Formação Estética, Ética e Política. Criação e Sentido para o Mundo
Cynthia Farina
Uma Época Sem Nome: sobre a tautologia do tempo perdido
Luciano Mattuella
Freud, a Psicanálise e a sua Relação com a Literatura: alguns apontamentos
Maria Alice Timm de Souza
Literatura e Psicanálise nas Decisões Penais: enunciando impossibilidades
Alexandre Morais da Rosa
A Criminologia na Alcova (diálogo com Marquês de Sade)
Salo de Carvalho
Muito Além do Bem e do Mal – a produção do desvio e da reação social como artefatos culturais
Rodrigo Azevedo
A Retomada da Temporalidade na Leitura Criminológica: aproximando literatura e criminologia
Alexandre Costi Pandolfo
A Expressão mais Justa
Caleb Farias Santos
Semiologia do discurso jurídico e da interpretação: a reabertura da caixa de Pandora
Clarice Beatriz da Costa Söhngen
Ontologia e simulacro na pós-modernidade de janus: alteridade e impossibilidade face a síndrome de perseu
Ricardo Aronne
Os organizadores,
Alexandre e Clarice.
Lula e entrevista. REcomendo. PAra pensar
Interview with Brazil's president
Lula on his legacy
The Economist interviewed Brazil’s president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, on September 9th, 2010. Here is an edited transcript of the conversation
Sep 30th 2010
WHEN you entered office, you knew Brazil well, having travelled the whole country. Eight years later, I suppose that you have learnt other things, perhaps that surprised you, both about the country and about government. Has your view of the country changed, after the experience of these eight years? Does the country still hold surprises for you?
President: Well, I think that in life every day brings surprises, and when you govern a country the size of Brazil, every day brings surprises. What most surprises me about Brazil is the extent of the difficulties that we create for ourselves. We create a lot of legislation, to control the Brazilian state itself, that this ends up meaning that things don’t go with the speed any head of government would like. To give you an example of something that frustrates me in Brazil: suppose a president with a mandate for four years wants to carry out some big infrastructure project, between him conceiving of the project, doing the basics, the planning, getting the environmental licence, getting the licence to start work, dealing with the tender, dealing with the judiciary and the lawyers—his mandate is over and he does not get the job done.
I’ll give you a concrete example. The Trans-Northeastern is a 1,720km railway linking the port of Suape in Pernambuco and the port of Pecem in Fortaleza, passing through Eliseu Martins in Piauí, to bring out all the soyabeans and iron ore from that region. We spent almost two years, with the Treasury, the planning ministry, the National Development Bank (BNDES) arranging the financing to build the railway, which was one of the privatised railways in which there had been no investment. And every time it seemed that the project was finished, along came another problem: a problem with the state of Pernambuco, a problem with the state of Ceará, a problem with the state of Piauí, then a problem with [land] expropriations, then a problem with the tendering. So in fact it was five years before we could look each other in the eye and say: “The project is ready. All the problems have been resolved. There is money, there are no environmental issues, no legal problems, nothing at all. Let’s start work”. Once started, the work will take just two years. Five years to solve all the problems, and two years to get the job done.
So this is something I intend to draw up for Brazil’s next government: new regulatory frameworks. At the same time as we want to impose more rigour in the management of public affairs, we need to have ways to facilitate the performance and execution of public works in Brazil, because this is a serious problem for whoever comes to govern Brazil. It’s a very serious problem.
I can give you another example: Belo Monte. Belo Monte is a big hydroelectric dam that will produce 11m megawatts that we are doing. There are engineers who qualified 30 years ago who’ve been trying to work on Belo Monte. For 20 years it was forbidden to carry out the study for Belo Monte, and we now, finally, managed to remove all the obstacles and we’re going to do Belo Monte, putting $5 billion reais extra—and this is what people have to understand—to take care that the dam takes account of environmental preservation, takes account of indigenous communities, of the people who live along the river, the small farmers. And we’re going to try to do a hydroelectric dam that will be an example of how to offer opportunities to people who live in the region, not one that displaces them. So for us, it’s an extraordinary challenge. So I’m happy, because this is something that was attempted for 30 years and that nobody managed to do.
Or take the São Francisco [irrigation] canal. It’s a 642km canal, if I remember correctly, that takes water from the São Francisco to the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the states of Pernambuco, Ceará and Paraíba. There are 12m people living in this semi-arid region. Dom Pedro tried to do this canal in 1847 and didn’t succeed. We spent four years battling with each state, with the community, holding debates and public hearings...finally, this canal is going to happen.
So, it’s difficult to carry out public works in Brazil. Is it difficult to carry out reforms too?
President: It’s also difficult to do public works because of the fact that Brazil had 25 years of doing almost no infrastructure projects. I always say that the last time there was investment in infrastructure was during the Geisel government [from 1974 to 1979], which took on too much debt. Brazil had contracted debts in dollars when interest rates were 3%. Then, to solve the American fiscal deficit, Paul Volcker pushed interest rates to 21%, making Brazil’s debt unpayable—and then we spent the next 20 years trying to solve our debt problem. They were two and a half decades in which Brazil had no capacity to invest in infrastructure. Just to give you an idea, in 1989 we had in Brazil about 50,000 project-engineering businesses. When I took office, there were just 8,000. Universities were no longer turning out engineers. Those engineers that were trained went to work as financial analysts, not as engineers. And we are recovering all this [capability], so that Brazilian industry is reacquiring the ability to carry out the great infrastructure projects that Brazil needs.
So I think these difficulties have been solved, for the most part. The businesses are there. Lots of Brazilian businesses had stopped earning money in Brazil. They made money [elsewhere] in Latin America, they earned money building Miami Airport, building an airport in Tripoli, in Libya, they earned money building hydroelectric dams in Africa, and now they’re doing it in Brazil. It was a process of recovering the productive capacity of this country, which had disappeared.
So you’ve recovered the capacity to do infrastructure projects, albeit slowly. And what about reforms? Four years ago, at the end of your first government, you gave an interview to our correspondent of the day. You said then that your priorities for a second term would be tax reform, political reform and labour reform. These things haven’t happened. Was it because the economy started to grow faster and you, well, you lost interest in them?
President: No...
What happened? Wha’s your reflection on this?
President: The thing is that we live in a presidential system with a parliamentary constitution. Congress has a lot of weight in Brazil, and the president cannot always do when he wants, he does what he can. I took office as president in January 2003 and in April 2003 I sent to Congress my first proposal for tax reform. Some parts were voted on, with respect to federal taxes, and then it came to a standstill. Why? Because each state is interested in its own tax reform, has its own tax policy, and each state has its federal deputies and senators. And no state is interested in reducing its revenue-raising capacity.
When it came to the second term we put together a proposal for tax policy in which we listened to the trade unions, the leaders of the political parties, all the employer groups, who all were in agreement with it. We had the unanimous approval of the Council for Economic and Social Development, which is an advisory council where political issues are debated. We had the agreement of all the state governors. When the minister, Guido Mantega, sent the tax reform to Congress, I imagined that it would be approved fairly quickly. But then I discovered that there are hidden enemies of tax reform. Because people who were in favour here, in our meetings, worked in Congress to ensure that the reforms were not voted on, including governors. Why? Because we wanted to reduce the 27 tax rates of the ICMS [Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadoriase Prestação de Serviços, the tax on the exchange of goods and services] in the states to two, or three, or five, and no governor wanted this. So the governors who were against started to work in their own interests, which is democratically legitimate and understandable. I am simply showing you the difficulty of carrying out tax reform in a country in which every state government has its own state taxes that it doesn’t want to lose. Nowhere in the world does anyone want to lose a cent of tax. But we did our part.
And it’s important to remember that during this period we did order tax breaks in this country worth more than 100 billion reais. I could have used this money for social policies, but I preferred to cut taxes so that businesses could breathe, produce, generate employment and revive the economy.
Political reform is another thing that I now always say is not the role of the president, even though I sent a proposal for political reform to Congress. We sent it before I was president, we sent it after I was president. Congress didn’t want to vote for it. So now I am making a commitment to myself that once I am no longer president I will start by convincing my own party to make political reform a priority, because I think it’s the main reform that we have to do in Brazil, so that then we can do the others. And then we can convince the other parties that it is extremely important to carry out a political reform, so that we have stronger parties and a stronger Congress, so that whoever sits in this chair can make more substantial agreements with the political parties, the party leaderships. Today, with parties weak, what counts is the individual strength of each citizen, of each region.
I am frustrated that political reform hasn’t been voted on. I think that it’s a mistake of the political parties not to have voted for the political reform that Brazil, and above all the parties, needs so badly. We just have to convince them to change the status quo. Nobody wants to change, people don’t like change. When it comes to change, everyone is conservative, be they on the right wing or on the left. People prefer to stay as they are. Even when you want to take someone out of a tumbledown shack in a favela, they don’t want to leave.
I remember when I lived in Vila Carioca [a neighbourhood in São Paulo] that suffered floods, in 1964, and my mother wanted to move and I didn’t, I wanted to stay right there in the floods. But this is a task of persuasion that we are going to have to do. I have learned a lot and I think that this will allow me, once I am no longer president and have more freedom, to discuss subjects that as president I did not want to discuss, because they were not within my competence.
And what of labour and union reform? It is very difficult to hire a person legally in Brazil. And many Brazilians think that you have the unique moral authority to carry out this sort of reform, to get it accepted by the unions, and you didn’t do it.
President: I did more than that. I gathered together around a table the employers, the workers and the government and said: give me a proposal for labour reform.
Because what is the problem in Brazil? On one side you have the employers, who talk about labour reform and want to abolish all the rights that workers won over time. It’s impossible. On the other side, you have the workers who say that what’s needed is union and labour reform, but want to keep all the rights that are guaranteed under the CLT [Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho, Consolidated Labour Law]. It just isn’t possible. I created a working group for union reform, labour reform and social-security reform. We managed to reform the civil-service pension scheme, but we didn’t manage to reform private-sector pensions, nor the labour issue. Maybe because it’s a process that takes time. Us politicians need to understand that unlike a businessman, who takes a decision in his company and sacks the director whenever he wants, or hires whomever he likes, in politics in a democratic country you have institutions, such as unions and the press, which takes up positions against or in favour. And the role of the president is to balance the [differing] wishes of society.
Look, I, who was a union leader for a long time, think that we are living in the most important moment of harmony between capital and labour, and I think that we are getting prepared to discuss the issue of reforms in the coming years. And I can help, even when I am not president—perhaps I can help more when I am not president—to discuss these subjects with workers and employers. I remember, it seemed impossible for us to make the work of cutting sugarcane more humane. We called in the employers and workers and made a pact here, in the presidential palace, and we are improving working conditions. What did I say to them? If you don’t improve working conditions, ethanol is not going to become an important commodity, because the world will be watching and piling on the pressure. Now we have reduced the number of people working as cane-cutters, it’s important that we manage to create new working conditions for them, and that machines are replacing these workers. This is irreversible, inexorable, over the next ten or 15 years.
To you, what is the priority for the next government?
President: It would be presumptuous of me to make a guess about the priorities of the new government. I think that when the election is over, be it in the first round on October 3rd or in a second round, whoever is elected will starting to discuss the government taking into account the election result. I think that whatever government is elected—and I am convinced that my candidate will win the election—is going to have to continue and improve on the things that are happening in Brazil. What we did in Brazil was no small thing. For sure, there is still much to do because for 500 years one part of the population was neglected. We should never lose sight of the fact that between 1950 and 1980 the Brazilian economy was the fastest-growing in the world, growing on average 7% a year for almost 30 years, and this wealth was not fairly distributed. So there was an abyss between the very rich and the very poor.
We are starting to lay steps so that the poorest begin to rise up to the lower-middle class and then to the middle-middle class. This is the country that I dream the next president is going to build: a country in which the great majority are middle-class, with purchasing power and access to material goods, education and health, better than we have today. Brazil is ready for this, people’s self-esteem has been raised. Public investment has not been all that we wanted, but these are investments that were never made in this country, in all areas. Wherever you go in Brazil you will see work financed by the federal government. We are installing a lot of basic sanitation, this wasn’t done in this country. The problem is that this will only start appearing in the household surveys from 2012, 2013 or 2014, because between starting and finishing the works there is a delay of three, four, five years. So I think we managed to move forward, and that Brazil sees itself differently now. We have started to like ourselves, we no longer have an inferiority-complex.
There are concerns in some parts of Brazilian society, especially about your second administration. The role of the state in the economy has become much more important, in oil, the revival of Telebras and Eletrobras, there are criticisms of the role of the BNDES [National Development Bank]. Do you think the role of the state is appropriate now? Is it too big or still too small? How do you see these criticisms?
President: Look, I think that these criticisms are unfounded. I thank God for having given me the opportunity to spend eight years with the leaders of the world’s principal countries. And there was a period, especially since the 1980s, in which the role of the market was imbued with a certain magic, as if it was a highly automated production line, in which everything went right. When you have a problem, you have to call a maintenance mechanic. Can you imagine that in a robotised production line in the car industry if you put a spoonful of sugar in some valve you stop the whole production line, it’s so fragile although it’s the height of modernity. The market functions marvellously well, and I respect the workings of the market. But the state has two important roles. First, it must be the mobiliser [“indutor”]. If it were not for President Roosevelt, the Tennessee Valley would never have been developed. It means that the state takes the initiative to propose that one place needs more support than another.
Here in Brazil we took the desiscion that the state should induce a development model that tries to make Brazil more equitable. Take culture, for example. The money for culture was almost all for the São Paulo-Rio axis. We had to take a little of that money to Amazonas, Acre, Pernambuco, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte. The money for federal-government advertising was all spent in the Rio-São Paulo axis. Then you have to remember that we have small radio stations in all of Brazil, that we have other television channels, and so we need to ensure that this money reaches everyone. This is the role of the state. In other words, the state must govern for the sake of the people who need it the most. There are people who don’t need the state. They have health insurance, they live somewhere paved, with sewage, with treated water. The state needs to guarantee that they don’t lose what they have. But it needs to attend to the part of society that has less. That’s why we chose to induce greater economic development in the north and north-east of the country, so that Brazil should grow—not with one region highly developed and another region falling behind, but to try to balance things so that everybody would live more or less in equal conditions. So these are the roles of the state, to mobilise [private investment], and at the same time to be the regulator.
Ah, how good it would be if the British had regulated their financial system properly! And how good it would be if the United States had regulated its financial system properly and not allowed banks to leverage their capital 35-fold! Who knows, we might not have had the financial crisis of two years ago. The truth is that we went through a period in which governments did not have a role. You are elected and you do what? The market does everything. What did a government do? When the crisis came, it showed something very important: that you need a state has the ability to act and to influence the outcome. And here in Brazil happily we had the BNDES, the Caixa Econômica Federal and the Banco do Brasil [all state banks] because, in the crisis, the private banks retrenched and credit disappeared. We had to arrange credit from Brazil’s public banks. We bought banks that we had to buy.
I’ll give you a little example: at one point the Brazilian car industry suffered a big slowdown. It wasn’t for lack of a market and it wasn’t because of the crisis, it was because of fear. Fear, or possibly orders from headquarters. It stopped dead. If you look at a graph of the Brazilian economy, you’ll see that in November 2008 it fell—it was practically a canyon—and then in February it started to rise again. That means there didn’t have to be that slowdown. It was because of fear.
Well, there was no credit to buy anything. Not even Petrobras, the biggest Brazilian company, had credit. It turned to the Caixa Econômica Federal, the Banco do Brasil and BNDES for money. I even spoke personally with Hu Jintao several times about the need to provide financing for Petrobras. So we realised that in order to stimulate the new-car market, we needed to stimulate the used-car market. I went to the Banco do Brasil and asked its president, “are we in a position to start financing used cars?” He said: “We don’t have the expertise.” And I said: “How long does it take to develop that sort of expertise?” He said: “Oh, some time, president, you need to prepare the bank and train people for that.” Well, I couldn’t wait around, I had a crisis on my hands! What did we do? We took the decision to buy 50% of Banco Votorantim, which had a portfolio of 90 billion reais in used-car financing. And we resolved the problem of expertise at a stroke.
So is the lesson of the crisis is that the state is back to stay, in the mould of the national-developmentalist state of the 1950s and 1960s?
President: No, the lesson of the crisis is that the state must be prepared, that it must have the capacity to intervene when required. Just imagine: if president Bush, in July 2008, had put $60 billion in Lehman Brothers, perhaps it wouldn’t have failed and $1 trillion would not have had to be injected into the financial markets. If the Germans had taken the right attitude, at the right time, to the Greek crisis at the right time, it might not have spread to other countries.
So the state has to be ready to take decisions. I don’t want a proprietorial state, or an interventionist state, but I do want the state to have the capacity to regulate and that people know that the state can do this. People should know that the state is prepared to act, although as long as private enterprise acts, it won’t. But when it’s necessary in order to defend the interests of the people, the state must be ready. And this is how I conceive of the state: it mobilises, oversees, regulates. It does not get involved as a proprietor, but is equipped to carry out works.
I’ll give you an example, of a basic thing about the state. The Brazilian army was always famous for having good engineering battalions that carried out works in the Amazon. When I arrived in government, the Brazilian army didn’t have a single piece of equipment, it was entirely dismantled. I had to rebuild the engineering capability of the Brazilian army, so that when businesses start trying to overcharge or create confusion in tendering, I could deploy the army to do the work. That’s how I see the role of the state.
Because the truth is as follows: private enterprise plays an extraordinary role [but] no private business, anywhere in the world, wants to invest in something that yields a loss. I’ll give you another example: the Electricity For All programme. I discovered that there were 2m houses that were without electricity—these are data from IBGE [Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística; the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics]. Two million houses, approaching 10m people. We made it our policy to bring power to these people. No private business was interested in doing it. It’s very expensive. We have already laid 1.1m km of cable without charge because these are the poorest people in Brazil, but just because they are poor doesn’t mean they have to go without power. When power arrives so too do a fridge, a cooker, a sound system, a television, and everything is transformed. By the end of my mandate we will have provided service to more than 93% of them. IBGE says that it’s 98%, but when we went into the countryside we discovered more people. There’s a community living 800km from Manaus, in the middle of the forest. They don’t want to live in Copacabana—it would have been cheaper to bring them to Copacabana, but they want to stay living there. And the Brazilian state must provide the conditions for these Brazilians to continue living there. It costs a lot, but if the state doesn’t do it, no one does.
Brazil is turning into an oil state. And with the new rules for exploring the pré-sal [deep sea, sub-sal] fields, Petrobras will be the sole operator. Aren’t the risk of this being underestimated? We’ve just seen the difficulties in the Gulf of Mexico, in waters much less deep. Your critics are afraid, too, that oil will turn the PT into a sort of PRI, that would use the oil money to stay in power for ever. So there are different kinds of risks there. What is your response?
President: Let me tell you something funny. What happened in the Gulf of Mexico was down to the irresponsibility of the company that was exploring for oil there. I have learnt, here in Brazil, that cheap is expensive. It tried to get oil in the cheapest and quickest way possible, without taking the elementary precautions that it should have. Here in Brazil we are much stricter, and we have learnt from the Gulf of Mexico to be stricter still.
Let me tell you something that for me is very important: Petrobras is going to be the strongest company in the pré-sal. It’s important to remember that oil now belongs to the country, to the state. It doesn’t belong to Petrobras, Petrobras must buy it. What happens at the moment is that a company wins an auction and pays for a concession, and then it pays some royalties and it owns the oil, whether it’s worth $80 a barrel or $200. The company can earn whatever it likes. What are we saying now? The oil is the government’s. It belongs to the Brazilian people, and the Brazilian people are going to sell it. We can sell it as crude oil, or as refined products. For that reason we took the decision to build three big new refineries: Abreu e Lima [in Pernambuco], one in Maranhão, another in Ceará.
But wasn’t the previous model working well?
President: It’s working well for the [oil] companies.
No, for everyone.
President: For the companies. There is no case in the world, not in Norway, in Saudi Arabia, nor anywhere, in which a country that has discovered oil leaves the regulatory model the same as it was before it was certain there was oil. You offer risk-sharing contracts when there is risk. In the case of the pré-sal, we are sure. So there are no risk contracts. We decided to change the regulatory framework. Something fantastic is going to happen. Before this interview appears, we’re going to do the biggest share offering that humanity has ever seen, bigger than the one in China. [Petrobras issued shares worth $67 billion on September 23rd, of which 60% were bought by government bodies.]
See how fate has smiled on me. I, an inveterate socialist when I was a union leader, will be the president who took part in the biggest capitalisation issue that the world has ever known. It wasn’t Bill Gates, it wasn’t Soros, it wasn’t any big businessman, it was a metalworker. When people say that I have am lucky, I say: Yes, I really am. I think that God has had a hand in it...
We’ve been careful not to repeat mistakes. We’ve set up a fund. This money must be used to resolve some of Brazil’s chronic problems, starting with poverty, education, science and technology, culture. We’ve got to take advantage of this money, and not let it go down the drain, with each mayor or each governor spending it however he wants. This money must be controlled, and my idea is that it should be controlled by society, so that we can invest it from Oiapoque [Brazil’s northernmost town] to Chuí [its southernmost] to improve the lives of the Brazilian people. We have a great opportunity, to create a big oil industry, a big shipbuilding industry, to ensure that Brazil definitively joins the list of rich countries. I think that in the coming years we can be the world’s fifth largest economy, and to achieve this we are investing a lot.
Some Brazilians are afraid that if your candidate wins, and wins well, wins a majority in Congress for example, there will be a sort of corporatism, with lots of party militants getting government jobs. You have been very respectful of the framework of democracy, but there are fears that this will be somewhat in question in the coming years. What would you say to these Brazilians?
President: No, no. I can say to Brazilians and to foreigners that this is unthinkable. For all our shortcomings, we have very organised social movements in this country, we have a functioning Congress, a functioning judiciary and we have a woman who, should she be elected, would be committed to democracy no matter what. [Dilma Rousseff is] A woman who was the victim of oppression, was imprisoned for three and a half years, who was barbarously tortured, who doesn’t today hold the slightest trace of resentment.
I am certain that she will respect the principles of democracy as if they were sacred, because she knows that it is because of democracy that I became president and that she is going to be president. Without democracy, I don’t know if we would have got there. We have to have democracy as a fundamental value, and a conquest of Brazilians, that we never want to give up. Dilma is going to surprise the world. It is unthinkable that here in Brazil we’re going to have something like the PRI. Here politics are more democratic, more heterogenous, things are livelier.
Is Dilma more ideological than you?
President: I would say we’re the same. In her youth, in the 70s, she participated in something [a guerrilla movement] that one part of Brazil’s youth did, it was the only path that they had, and I made the other choice, I joined the union movement. The point is that because people opted for democracy, today in Latin America democracy thrives as it does in few parts of the world. Of the people at the São Paulo Forum in 1990, a meeting I called in São Paulo for all the Latin-American left, almost all are in power today, and they got there by democratic means. Even the Frente Farabundo Martí [Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front, in El Salvador], which spent 13 years fighting a civil war [from 1980 to 1992] came to power with Mauricio Funes [elected president in 2009], peacefully and quietly, via the democratic route. And Dilma is just as democratic as I am, just as socialist as I am and just as responsible as I am. Perhaps being a woman I think she can do more, because we need to empower women in politics.
In recent years, Brazil has assumed a more active role in the world. Can Brazil be a power in both the West and the South, or does it have to choose? You have placed a lot of emphasis on South-South co-operation, but isn’t Brazil is a western power too?
President: Brazil, on its own, plays a leading role, because of its size, its territory, its population. What we think is that world governance needs major reform. The permanent members of the Security Council can’t be the outcome of the geopolitics of 60 years ago. The world changed, countries changed, global geopolitics changed, the Cold War ended. We must adapt the Security Council to these new realities. What can explain that a country the size of Brazil is not on the Security Council? Or South Africa or Nigeria or Egypt, to represent the African continent? What can explain that India is not there? Or Japan or Germany? Because China doesn’t want it, or Italy doesn’t want Germany to join? China and India not want Germany to join? Why not have two Latin American countries? If the world was represented in a more balanced way at the United Nations, as permanent members, its decisions would command more respect. In whose interests is it that the UN should be weak? Those who have the power to take unilateral decisions. If a father and mother don’t co-operate in a household, each child feels it has the right to do as it wishes, and no one respects nobody else.
So, for example, I don’t believe in peace in the Middle East, at least as long as the United States is the mentor of peace. I say this because I really used to believe in it a lot. Long before becoming president, in the 1990s, I was with Arafat, with Rabin, which was the best time for making peace. Today we don’t have Rabin, Shimon Peres is not the force he was, and we don’t have Arafat.
So we have a conflict. On one side you have a prime minister in Israel who does what he wants and doesn’t even comply with agreements made with the United States. We have a Palestinian Authority, President Abbas, who has some authority, but Hamas doesn’t obey him and doesn’t want peace in the same way as he does. You have Iran, which has influence with some Palestinians. And you have Syria, which has some influence with part of Hezbollah and of Hamas. You have Qatar, an ally of the United States, but also apparently financing Hamas. All of these people must be at the negotiating table. Even in Israel, not everyone agrees with the prime minister. The way Shimon Peres thinks is not the way the prime minister thinks. Unless you gather everyone around the table with interlocutors who are accepted by all parties, and establish common ground, there will never be peace in the Middle East. I used to be much more hopeful than I am today, but what I see is things moving backwards, not forwards.
I went to Israel recently and said in its parliament: the very UN that created the state of Israel is the same one that should create a Palestinian state, draw the boundaries and establish the laws. It doesn’t happen.
I regret this, I really do. It’s one of the things that I will leave the presidency frustrated by, that these issues are state secrets, not discussed openly, nobody wants to talk about them. We had a meeting in Annapolis [in 2007], we agreed to have a second one in Moscow. We haven’t had that second meeting involving other countries. It seems as if someone has negotiating hegemony. And they each win a Nobel Prize. Each time they talk, they win the Nobel Prize. There’ve awarded around ten Nobel Peace Prizes for the cause of peace in Israel and the Middle East, and peace hasn’t happened. Those people should return their Nobel prizes, since there’s no peace.
Another thing. Let’s take this recent case of Iran. It’s very sui generis. Look, I didn’t know Ahmadinejad. One day there was a UN meeting, and from the UN we went to Pittsburgh, to a G-20 summit, and Ahmadinejad came to my hotel and we talked for two hours. The first thing I asked him was this: Listen here, president, is it true that you don’t believe in the Holocaust? Because then you are the only man on the planet Earth who doesn’t. He said: “No, that’s not what I wanted to say. I was trying to say that around 70m people were killed in the Second World War and only Jews have become the victims.” I said: OK, then say that. That’s different from saying that the Holocaust never happened. Then we got onto the nuclear topic, and he complained of Obama, he complained about Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Sarkozy. And I said: Have you already talked with any of them? “No.” I went to Pittsburgh: Sarkozy, Gordon Brown and Obama had made harsh statements about Iran.
I went and asked all of them: Have you talked to Ahmadinejad? “No.” Now, how can you outsource politics? Politics can’t be outsourced. Politics is one politician talking to another. When it comes to putting things down on paper, in come the lawyers and the diplomats, but decisions have to be taken eye to eye between two democratically elected people.
I told them, I’m going to go to Iran, I’m going to talk more deeply, and I think that Ahmadinejad is prepared to sit down at the table and reach agreement on the nuclear question. And they began to say that I was naive, that Ahmadinejad was not going to accept, I don’t know how many things, Hillary Clinton called I don’t know how many people. I arrived in Moscow to talk to Medvedev, Comrade [Companheiro] Obama had called Moscow to talk to Medvedev. I arrived in Qatar, Hillary Clinton had called Qatar, all to say that I was naive, that I was credulous, that Ahmadinejad was playing for time, that he wouldn’t negotiate.
In Copenhagen, in December, we had been discussing with Ahmadinejad him freeing that Frenchwoman [Clotilde Reiss, a French student arrested in Tehran airport on July 1st, 2009, and tried for espionage]. My Foreign Minister went to Tehran three times to talk about this. The fact is that Ahmadinejad complied. I arrived at midnight in Tehran, at 5am he put her on the plane. Then we began to talk about negotiations. The following day, at 9am, Ahmadinejad agreed to sign the accord. I said to Ahmadinejad: You know what the other presidents say? That you don’t keep your word. I want you to sign here. The important thing is that the proposal that Ahmadinejad signed with Turkey and Brazil is the one that President Obama sent to us in a letter, 15 days before I travelled. What surprised me was that when Ahmadinejad agreed, the Group of Five, particularly the Vienna Group, decided to punish Ahmadinejad. Perhaps because they felt that Brazil had meddled in a field it shouldn’t have done. But the plain fact is that we got what they wanted and weren’t able to get. So I was a bit frustrated, because politics doesn’t have room for small-minded gestures. A politician who leads a nation, he can say yes, or he can say no. He cannot pretend that something hasn’t happened. We were very tough with Ahmadinejad, we talked a lot about politics, I told him of all the risks we ran if things stalled, and he agreed. And when he agreed, people decided to punish him. I’ve never seen political isolation helping anything.
Others have other interpretations, don’t they?
President: I’m not interpreting, I’m stating hard facts.
The criticism one often hears of Brazil’s foreign policy is that curiously you seem to be closer friends with some authoritarian regimes than with Obama, for example. And Obama is the president of the United States who probably agrees most with your world vision. But in general, it’s that Brazil could be a moral force to defend human rights and democracy around the world. You never criticise Chavez, who is elected, it’s true, but is not governing in a particularly democratic way. You’re a good friend of the Castros and of Ahmadinejad. What do you say to that?
President: By saying that those who are enemies are unable to build peace. On 21st January, 2003, I had been 21 days in office when I went to the inauguration of President Gutiérrez in Ecuador, and there I met Chávez and Fidel Castro. Chavez was in a difficult situation, still experiencing repercussions from the recent coup against him. I proposed to him that we could set up a Group of Friends to solve the problem of democracy in Venezuela. Somebody has to talk.
In politics, you can’t put you feet up and think: “I’m not going to talk to anybody. My adviser’s going to talk to them.” That’s not how to do politics. There was a time when Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt sat at a table, ordered fine Cognac, a good whisky, and made decisions and solved the world’s problems. Today there are more people, more lead artists and a bigger supporting cast, so there must be more politics, more talking.
When I proposed that the US should join the Group of Friends of Venezuela, Chávez didn’t want it. And Chávez was in New York, we brought them here to Brazil to show him that it was impor
Lula on his legacy
The Economist interviewed Brazil’s president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, on September 9th, 2010. Here is an edited transcript of the conversation
Sep 30th 2010
WHEN you entered office, you knew Brazil well, having travelled the whole country. Eight years later, I suppose that you have learnt other things, perhaps that surprised you, both about the country and about government. Has your view of the country changed, after the experience of these eight years? Does the country still hold surprises for you?
President: Well, I think that in life every day brings surprises, and when you govern a country the size of Brazil, every day brings surprises. What most surprises me about Brazil is the extent of the difficulties that we create for ourselves. We create a lot of legislation, to control the Brazilian state itself, that this ends up meaning that things don’t go with the speed any head of government would like. To give you an example of something that frustrates me in Brazil: suppose a president with a mandate for four years wants to carry out some big infrastructure project, between him conceiving of the project, doing the basics, the planning, getting the environmental licence, getting the licence to start work, dealing with the tender, dealing with the judiciary and the lawyers—his mandate is over and he does not get the job done.
I’ll give you a concrete example. The Trans-Northeastern is a 1,720km railway linking the port of Suape in Pernambuco and the port of Pecem in Fortaleza, passing through Eliseu Martins in Piauí, to bring out all the soyabeans and iron ore from that region. We spent almost two years, with the Treasury, the planning ministry, the National Development Bank (BNDES) arranging the financing to build the railway, which was one of the privatised railways in which there had been no investment. And every time it seemed that the project was finished, along came another problem: a problem with the state of Pernambuco, a problem with the state of Ceará, a problem with the state of Piauí, then a problem with [land] expropriations, then a problem with the tendering. So in fact it was five years before we could look each other in the eye and say: “The project is ready. All the problems have been resolved. There is money, there are no environmental issues, no legal problems, nothing at all. Let’s start work”. Once started, the work will take just two years. Five years to solve all the problems, and two years to get the job done.
So this is something I intend to draw up for Brazil’s next government: new regulatory frameworks. At the same time as we want to impose more rigour in the management of public affairs, we need to have ways to facilitate the performance and execution of public works in Brazil, because this is a serious problem for whoever comes to govern Brazil. It’s a very serious problem.
I can give you another example: Belo Monte. Belo Monte is a big hydroelectric dam that will produce 11m megawatts that we are doing. There are engineers who qualified 30 years ago who’ve been trying to work on Belo Monte. For 20 years it was forbidden to carry out the study for Belo Monte, and we now, finally, managed to remove all the obstacles and we’re going to do Belo Monte, putting $5 billion reais extra—and this is what people have to understand—to take care that the dam takes account of environmental preservation, takes account of indigenous communities, of the people who live along the river, the small farmers. And we’re going to try to do a hydroelectric dam that will be an example of how to offer opportunities to people who live in the region, not one that displaces them. So for us, it’s an extraordinary challenge. So I’m happy, because this is something that was attempted for 30 years and that nobody managed to do.
Or take the São Francisco [irrigation] canal. It’s a 642km canal, if I remember correctly, that takes water from the São Francisco to the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the states of Pernambuco, Ceará and Paraíba. There are 12m people living in this semi-arid region. Dom Pedro tried to do this canal in 1847 and didn’t succeed. We spent four years battling with each state, with the community, holding debates and public hearings...finally, this canal is going to happen.
So, it’s difficult to carry out public works in Brazil. Is it difficult to carry out reforms too?
President: It’s also difficult to do public works because of the fact that Brazil had 25 years of doing almost no infrastructure projects. I always say that the last time there was investment in infrastructure was during the Geisel government [from 1974 to 1979], which took on too much debt. Brazil had contracted debts in dollars when interest rates were 3%. Then, to solve the American fiscal deficit, Paul Volcker pushed interest rates to 21%, making Brazil’s debt unpayable—and then we spent the next 20 years trying to solve our debt problem. They were two and a half decades in which Brazil had no capacity to invest in infrastructure. Just to give you an idea, in 1989 we had in Brazil about 50,000 project-engineering businesses. When I took office, there were just 8,000. Universities were no longer turning out engineers. Those engineers that were trained went to work as financial analysts, not as engineers. And we are recovering all this [capability], so that Brazilian industry is reacquiring the ability to carry out the great infrastructure projects that Brazil needs.
So I think these difficulties have been solved, for the most part. The businesses are there. Lots of Brazilian businesses had stopped earning money in Brazil. They made money [elsewhere] in Latin America, they earned money building Miami Airport, building an airport in Tripoli, in Libya, they earned money building hydroelectric dams in Africa, and now they’re doing it in Brazil. It was a process of recovering the productive capacity of this country, which had disappeared.
So you’ve recovered the capacity to do infrastructure projects, albeit slowly. And what about reforms? Four years ago, at the end of your first government, you gave an interview to our correspondent of the day. You said then that your priorities for a second term would be tax reform, political reform and labour reform. These things haven’t happened. Was it because the economy started to grow faster and you, well, you lost interest in them?
President: No...
What happened? Wha’s your reflection on this?
President: The thing is that we live in a presidential system with a parliamentary constitution. Congress has a lot of weight in Brazil, and the president cannot always do when he wants, he does what he can. I took office as president in January 2003 and in April 2003 I sent to Congress my first proposal for tax reform. Some parts were voted on, with respect to federal taxes, and then it came to a standstill. Why? Because each state is interested in its own tax reform, has its own tax policy, and each state has its federal deputies and senators. And no state is interested in reducing its revenue-raising capacity.
When it came to the second term we put together a proposal for tax policy in which we listened to the trade unions, the leaders of the political parties, all the employer groups, who all were in agreement with it. We had the unanimous approval of the Council for Economic and Social Development, which is an advisory council where political issues are debated. We had the agreement of all the state governors. When the minister, Guido Mantega, sent the tax reform to Congress, I imagined that it would be approved fairly quickly. But then I discovered that there are hidden enemies of tax reform. Because people who were in favour here, in our meetings, worked in Congress to ensure that the reforms were not voted on, including governors. Why? Because we wanted to reduce the 27 tax rates of the ICMS [Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadoriase Prestação de Serviços, the tax on the exchange of goods and services] in the states to two, or three, or five, and no governor wanted this. So the governors who were against started to work in their own interests, which is democratically legitimate and understandable. I am simply showing you the difficulty of carrying out tax reform in a country in which every state government has its own state taxes that it doesn’t want to lose. Nowhere in the world does anyone want to lose a cent of tax. But we did our part.
And it’s important to remember that during this period we did order tax breaks in this country worth more than 100 billion reais. I could have used this money for social policies, but I preferred to cut taxes so that businesses could breathe, produce, generate employment and revive the economy.
Political reform is another thing that I now always say is not the role of the president, even though I sent a proposal for political reform to Congress. We sent it before I was president, we sent it after I was president. Congress didn’t want to vote for it. So now I am making a commitment to myself that once I am no longer president I will start by convincing my own party to make political reform a priority, because I think it’s the main reform that we have to do in Brazil, so that then we can do the others. And then we can convince the other parties that it is extremely important to carry out a political reform, so that we have stronger parties and a stronger Congress, so that whoever sits in this chair can make more substantial agreements with the political parties, the party leaderships. Today, with parties weak, what counts is the individual strength of each citizen, of each region.
I am frustrated that political reform hasn’t been voted on. I think that it’s a mistake of the political parties not to have voted for the political reform that Brazil, and above all the parties, needs so badly. We just have to convince them to change the status quo. Nobody wants to change, people don’t like change. When it comes to change, everyone is conservative, be they on the right wing or on the left. People prefer to stay as they are. Even when you want to take someone out of a tumbledown shack in a favela, they don’t want to leave.
I remember when I lived in Vila Carioca [a neighbourhood in São Paulo] that suffered floods, in 1964, and my mother wanted to move and I didn’t, I wanted to stay right there in the floods. But this is a task of persuasion that we are going to have to do. I have learned a lot and I think that this will allow me, once I am no longer president and have more freedom, to discuss subjects that as president I did not want to discuss, because they were not within my competence.
And what of labour and union reform? It is very difficult to hire a person legally in Brazil. And many Brazilians think that you have the unique moral authority to carry out this sort of reform, to get it accepted by the unions, and you didn’t do it.
President: I did more than that. I gathered together around a table the employers, the workers and the government and said: give me a proposal for labour reform.
Because what is the problem in Brazil? On one side you have the employers, who talk about labour reform and want to abolish all the rights that workers won over time. It’s impossible. On the other side, you have the workers who say that what’s needed is union and labour reform, but want to keep all the rights that are guaranteed under the CLT [Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho, Consolidated Labour Law]. It just isn’t possible. I created a working group for union reform, labour reform and social-security reform. We managed to reform the civil-service pension scheme, but we didn’t manage to reform private-sector pensions, nor the labour issue. Maybe because it’s a process that takes time. Us politicians need to understand that unlike a businessman, who takes a decision in his company and sacks the director whenever he wants, or hires whomever he likes, in politics in a democratic country you have institutions, such as unions and the press, which takes up positions against or in favour. And the role of the president is to balance the [differing] wishes of society.
Look, I, who was a union leader for a long time, think that we are living in the most important moment of harmony between capital and labour, and I think that we are getting prepared to discuss the issue of reforms in the coming years. And I can help, even when I am not president—perhaps I can help more when I am not president—to discuss these subjects with workers and employers. I remember, it seemed impossible for us to make the work of cutting sugarcane more humane. We called in the employers and workers and made a pact here, in the presidential palace, and we are improving working conditions. What did I say to them? If you don’t improve working conditions, ethanol is not going to become an important commodity, because the world will be watching and piling on the pressure. Now we have reduced the number of people working as cane-cutters, it’s important that we manage to create new working conditions for them, and that machines are replacing these workers. This is irreversible, inexorable, over the next ten or 15 years.
To you, what is the priority for the next government?
President: It would be presumptuous of me to make a guess about the priorities of the new government. I think that when the election is over, be it in the first round on October 3rd or in a second round, whoever is elected will starting to discuss the government taking into account the election result. I think that whatever government is elected—and I am convinced that my candidate will win the election—is going to have to continue and improve on the things that are happening in Brazil. What we did in Brazil was no small thing. For sure, there is still much to do because for 500 years one part of the population was neglected. We should never lose sight of the fact that between 1950 and 1980 the Brazilian economy was the fastest-growing in the world, growing on average 7% a year for almost 30 years, and this wealth was not fairly distributed. So there was an abyss between the very rich and the very poor.
We are starting to lay steps so that the poorest begin to rise up to the lower-middle class and then to the middle-middle class. This is the country that I dream the next president is going to build: a country in which the great majority are middle-class, with purchasing power and access to material goods, education and health, better than we have today. Brazil is ready for this, people’s self-esteem has been raised. Public investment has not been all that we wanted, but these are investments that were never made in this country, in all areas. Wherever you go in Brazil you will see work financed by the federal government. We are installing a lot of basic sanitation, this wasn’t done in this country. The problem is that this will only start appearing in the household surveys from 2012, 2013 or 2014, because between starting and finishing the works there is a delay of three, four, five years. So I think we managed to move forward, and that Brazil sees itself differently now. We have started to like ourselves, we no longer have an inferiority-complex.
There are concerns in some parts of Brazilian society, especially about your second administration. The role of the state in the economy has become much more important, in oil, the revival of Telebras and Eletrobras, there are criticisms of the role of the BNDES [National Development Bank]. Do you think the role of the state is appropriate now? Is it too big or still too small? How do you see these criticisms?
President: Look, I think that these criticisms are unfounded. I thank God for having given me the opportunity to spend eight years with the leaders of the world’s principal countries. And there was a period, especially since the 1980s, in which the role of the market was imbued with a certain magic, as if it was a highly automated production line, in which everything went right. When you have a problem, you have to call a maintenance mechanic. Can you imagine that in a robotised production line in the car industry if you put a spoonful of sugar in some valve you stop the whole production line, it’s so fragile although it’s the height of modernity. The market functions marvellously well, and I respect the workings of the market. But the state has two important roles. First, it must be the mobiliser [“indutor”]. If it were not for President Roosevelt, the Tennessee Valley would never have been developed. It means that the state takes the initiative to propose that one place needs more support than another.
Here in Brazil we took the desiscion that the state should induce a development model that tries to make Brazil more equitable. Take culture, for example. The money for culture was almost all for the São Paulo-Rio axis. We had to take a little of that money to Amazonas, Acre, Pernambuco, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte. The money for federal-government advertising was all spent in the Rio-São Paulo axis. Then you have to remember that we have small radio stations in all of Brazil, that we have other television channels, and so we need to ensure that this money reaches everyone. This is the role of the state. In other words, the state must govern for the sake of the people who need it the most. There are people who don’t need the state. They have health insurance, they live somewhere paved, with sewage, with treated water. The state needs to guarantee that they don’t lose what they have. But it needs to attend to the part of society that has less. That’s why we chose to induce greater economic development in the north and north-east of the country, so that Brazil should grow—not with one region highly developed and another region falling behind, but to try to balance things so that everybody would live more or less in equal conditions. So these are the roles of the state, to mobilise [private investment], and at the same time to be the regulator.
Ah, how good it would be if the British had regulated their financial system properly! And how good it would be if the United States had regulated its financial system properly and not allowed banks to leverage their capital 35-fold! Who knows, we might not have had the financial crisis of two years ago. The truth is that we went through a period in which governments did not have a role. You are elected and you do what? The market does everything. What did a government do? When the crisis came, it showed something very important: that you need a state has the ability to act and to influence the outcome. And here in Brazil happily we had the BNDES, the Caixa Econômica Federal and the Banco do Brasil [all state banks] because, in the crisis, the private banks retrenched and credit disappeared. We had to arrange credit from Brazil’s public banks. We bought banks that we had to buy.
I’ll give you a little example: at one point the Brazilian car industry suffered a big slowdown. It wasn’t for lack of a market and it wasn’t because of the crisis, it was because of fear. Fear, or possibly orders from headquarters. It stopped dead. If you look at a graph of the Brazilian economy, you’ll see that in November 2008 it fell—it was practically a canyon—and then in February it started to rise again. That means there didn’t have to be that slowdown. It was because of fear.
Well, there was no credit to buy anything. Not even Petrobras, the biggest Brazilian company, had credit. It turned to the Caixa Econômica Federal, the Banco do Brasil and BNDES for money. I even spoke personally with Hu Jintao several times about the need to provide financing for Petrobras. So we realised that in order to stimulate the new-car market, we needed to stimulate the used-car market. I went to the Banco do Brasil and asked its president, “are we in a position to start financing used cars?” He said: “We don’t have the expertise.” And I said: “How long does it take to develop that sort of expertise?” He said: “Oh, some time, president, you need to prepare the bank and train people for that.” Well, I couldn’t wait around, I had a crisis on my hands! What did we do? We took the decision to buy 50% of Banco Votorantim, which had a portfolio of 90 billion reais in used-car financing. And we resolved the problem of expertise at a stroke.
So is the lesson of the crisis is that the state is back to stay, in the mould of the national-developmentalist state of the 1950s and 1960s?
President: No, the lesson of the crisis is that the state must be prepared, that it must have the capacity to intervene when required. Just imagine: if president Bush, in July 2008, had put $60 billion in Lehman Brothers, perhaps it wouldn’t have failed and $1 trillion would not have had to be injected into the financial markets. If the Germans had taken the right attitude, at the right time, to the Greek crisis at the right time, it might not have spread to other countries.
So the state has to be ready to take decisions. I don’t want a proprietorial state, or an interventionist state, but I do want the state to have the capacity to regulate and that people know that the state can do this. People should know that the state is prepared to act, although as long as private enterprise acts, it won’t. But when it’s necessary in order to defend the interests of the people, the state must be ready. And this is how I conceive of the state: it mobilises, oversees, regulates. It does not get involved as a proprietor, but is equipped to carry out works.
I’ll give you an example, of a basic thing about the state. The Brazilian army was always famous for having good engineering battalions that carried out works in the Amazon. When I arrived in government, the Brazilian army didn’t have a single piece of equipment, it was entirely dismantled. I had to rebuild the engineering capability of the Brazilian army, so that when businesses start trying to overcharge or create confusion in tendering, I could deploy the army to do the work. That’s how I see the role of the state.
Because the truth is as follows: private enterprise plays an extraordinary role [but] no private business, anywhere in the world, wants to invest in something that yields a loss. I’ll give you another example: the Electricity For All programme. I discovered that there were 2m houses that were without electricity—these are data from IBGE [Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística; the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics]. Two million houses, approaching 10m people. We made it our policy to bring power to these people. No private business was interested in doing it. It’s very expensive. We have already laid 1.1m km of cable without charge because these are the poorest people in Brazil, but just because they are poor doesn’t mean they have to go without power. When power arrives so too do a fridge, a cooker, a sound system, a television, and everything is transformed. By the end of my mandate we will have provided service to more than 93% of them. IBGE says that it’s 98%, but when we went into the countryside we discovered more people. There’s a community living 800km from Manaus, in the middle of the forest. They don’t want to live in Copacabana—it would have been cheaper to bring them to Copacabana, but they want to stay living there. And the Brazilian state must provide the conditions for these Brazilians to continue living there. It costs a lot, but if the state doesn’t do it, no one does.
Brazil is turning into an oil state. And with the new rules for exploring the pré-sal [deep sea, sub-sal] fields, Petrobras will be the sole operator. Aren’t the risk of this being underestimated? We’ve just seen the difficulties in the Gulf of Mexico, in waters much less deep. Your critics are afraid, too, that oil will turn the PT into a sort of PRI, that would use the oil money to stay in power for ever. So there are different kinds of risks there. What is your response?
President: Let me tell you something funny. What happened in the Gulf of Mexico was down to the irresponsibility of the company that was exploring for oil there. I have learnt, here in Brazil, that cheap is expensive. It tried to get oil in the cheapest and quickest way possible, without taking the elementary precautions that it should have. Here in Brazil we are much stricter, and we have learnt from the Gulf of Mexico to be stricter still.
Let me tell you something that for me is very important: Petrobras is going to be the strongest company in the pré-sal. It’s important to remember that oil now belongs to the country, to the state. It doesn’t belong to Petrobras, Petrobras must buy it. What happens at the moment is that a company wins an auction and pays for a concession, and then it pays some royalties and it owns the oil, whether it’s worth $80 a barrel or $200. The company can earn whatever it likes. What are we saying now? The oil is the government’s. It belongs to the Brazilian people, and the Brazilian people are going to sell it. We can sell it as crude oil, or as refined products. For that reason we took the decision to build three big new refineries: Abreu e Lima [in Pernambuco], one in Maranhão, another in Ceará.
But wasn’t the previous model working well?
President: It’s working well for the [oil] companies.
No, for everyone.
President: For the companies. There is no case in the world, not in Norway, in Saudi Arabia, nor anywhere, in which a country that has discovered oil leaves the regulatory model the same as it was before it was certain there was oil. You offer risk-sharing contracts when there is risk. In the case of the pré-sal, we are sure. So there are no risk contracts. We decided to change the regulatory framework. Something fantastic is going to happen. Before this interview appears, we’re going to do the biggest share offering that humanity has ever seen, bigger than the one in China. [Petrobras issued shares worth $67 billion on September 23rd, of which 60% were bought by government bodies.]
See how fate has smiled on me. I, an inveterate socialist when I was a union leader, will be the president who took part in the biggest capitalisation issue that the world has ever known. It wasn’t Bill Gates, it wasn’t Soros, it wasn’t any big businessman, it was a metalworker. When people say that I have am lucky, I say: Yes, I really am. I think that God has had a hand in it...
We’ve been careful not to repeat mistakes. We’ve set up a fund. This money must be used to resolve some of Brazil’s chronic problems, starting with poverty, education, science and technology, culture. We’ve got to take advantage of this money, and not let it go down the drain, with each mayor or each governor spending it however he wants. This money must be controlled, and my idea is that it should be controlled by society, so that we can invest it from Oiapoque [Brazil’s northernmost town] to Chuí [its southernmost] to improve the lives of the Brazilian people. We have a great opportunity, to create a big oil industry, a big shipbuilding industry, to ensure that Brazil definitively joins the list of rich countries. I think that in the coming years we can be the world’s fifth largest economy, and to achieve this we are investing a lot.
Some Brazilians are afraid that if your candidate wins, and wins well, wins a majority in Congress for example, there will be a sort of corporatism, with lots of party militants getting government jobs. You have been very respectful of the framework of democracy, but there are fears that this will be somewhat in question in the coming years. What would you say to these Brazilians?
President: No, no. I can say to Brazilians and to foreigners that this is unthinkable. For all our shortcomings, we have very organised social movements in this country, we have a functioning Congress, a functioning judiciary and we have a woman who, should she be elected, would be committed to democracy no matter what. [Dilma Rousseff is] A woman who was the victim of oppression, was imprisoned for three and a half years, who was barbarously tortured, who doesn’t today hold the slightest trace of resentment.
I am certain that she will respect the principles of democracy as if they were sacred, because she knows that it is because of democracy that I became president and that she is going to be president. Without democracy, I don’t know if we would have got there. We have to have democracy as a fundamental value, and a conquest of Brazilians, that we never want to give up. Dilma is going to surprise the world. It is unthinkable that here in Brazil we’re going to have something like the PRI. Here politics are more democratic, more heterogenous, things are livelier.
Is Dilma more ideological than you?
President: I would say we’re the same. In her youth, in the 70s, she participated in something [a guerrilla movement] that one part of Brazil’s youth did, it was the only path that they had, and I made the other choice, I joined the union movement. The point is that because people opted for democracy, today in Latin America democracy thrives as it does in few parts of the world. Of the people at the São Paulo Forum in 1990, a meeting I called in São Paulo for all the Latin-American left, almost all are in power today, and they got there by democratic means. Even the Frente Farabundo Martí [Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front, in El Salvador], which spent 13 years fighting a civil war [from 1980 to 1992] came to power with Mauricio Funes [elected president in 2009], peacefully and quietly, via the democratic route. And Dilma is just as democratic as I am, just as socialist as I am and just as responsible as I am. Perhaps being a woman I think she can do more, because we need to empower women in politics.
In recent years, Brazil has assumed a more active role in the world. Can Brazil be a power in both the West and the South, or does it have to choose? You have placed a lot of emphasis on South-South co-operation, but isn’t Brazil is a western power too?
President: Brazil, on its own, plays a leading role, because of its size, its territory, its population. What we think is that world governance needs major reform. The permanent members of the Security Council can’t be the outcome of the geopolitics of 60 years ago. The world changed, countries changed, global geopolitics changed, the Cold War ended. We must adapt the Security Council to these new realities. What can explain that a country the size of Brazil is not on the Security Council? Or South Africa or Nigeria or Egypt, to represent the African continent? What can explain that India is not there? Or Japan or Germany? Because China doesn’t want it, or Italy doesn’t want Germany to join? China and India not want Germany to join? Why not have two Latin American countries? If the world was represented in a more balanced way at the United Nations, as permanent members, its decisions would command more respect. In whose interests is it that the UN should be weak? Those who have the power to take unilateral decisions. If a father and mother don’t co-operate in a household, each child feels it has the right to do as it wishes, and no one respects nobody else.
So, for example, I don’t believe in peace in the Middle East, at least as long as the United States is the mentor of peace. I say this because I really used to believe in it a lot. Long before becoming president, in the 1990s, I was with Arafat, with Rabin, which was the best time for making peace. Today we don’t have Rabin, Shimon Peres is not the force he was, and we don’t have Arafat.
So we have a conflict. On one side you have a prime minister in Israel who does what he wants and doesn’t even comply with agreements made with the United States. We have a Palestinian Authority, President Abbas, who has some authority, but Hamas doesn’t obey him and doesn’t want peace in the same way as he does. You have Iran, which has influence with some Palestinians. And you have Syria, which has some influence with part of Hezbollah and of Hamas. You have Qatar, an ally of the United States, but also apparently financing Hamas. All of these people must be at the negotiating table. Even in Israel, not everyone agrees with the prime minister. The way Shimon Peres thinks is not the way the prime minister thinks. Unless you gather everyone around the table with interlocutors who are accepted by all parties, and establish common ground, there will never be peace in the Middle East. I used to be much more hopeful than I am today, but what I see is things moving backwards, not forwards.
I went to Israel recently and said in its parliament: the very UN that created the state of Israel is the same one that should create a Palestinian state, draw the boundaries and establish the laws. It doesn’t happen.
I regret this, I really do. It’s one of the things that I will leave the presidency frustrated by, that these issues are state secrets, not discussed openly, nobody wants to talk about them. We had a meeting in Annapolis [in 2007], we agreed to have a second one in Moscow. We haven’t had that second meeting involving other countries. It seems as if someone has negotiating hegemony. And they each win a Nobel Prize. Each time they talk, they win the Nobel Prize. There’ve awarded around ten Nobel Peace Prizes for the cause of peace in Israel and the Middle East, and peace hasn’t happened. Those people should return their Nobel prizes, since there’s no peace.
Another thing. Let’s take this recent case of Iran. It’s very sui generis. Look, I didn’t know Ahmadinejad. One day there was a UN meeting, and from the UN we went to Pittsburgh, to a G-20 summit, and Ahmadinejad came to my hotel and we talked for two hours. The first thing I asked him was this: Listen here, president, is it true that you don’t believe in the Holocaust? Because then you are the only man on the planet Earth who doesn’t. He said: “No, that’s not what I wanted to say. I was trying to say that around 70m people were killed in the Second World War and only Jews have become the victims.” I said: OK, then say that. That’s different from saying that the Holocaust never happened. Then we got onto the nuclear topic, and he complained of Obama, he complained about Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Sarkozy. And I said: Have you already talked with any of them? “No.” I went to Pittsburgh: Sarkozy, Gordon Brown and Obama had made harsh statements about Iran.
I went and asked all of them: Have you talked to Ahmadinejad? “No.” Now, how can you outsource politics? Politics can’t be outsourced. Politics is one politician talking to another. When it comes to putting things down on paper, in come the lawyers and the diplomats, but decisions have to be taken eye to eye between two democratically elected people.
I told them, I’m going to go to Iran, I’m going to talk more deeply, and I think that Ahmadinejad is prepared to sit down at the table and reach agreement on the nuclear question. And they began to say that I was naive, that Ahmadinejad was not going to accept, I don’t know how many things, Hillary Clinton called I don’t know how many people. I arrived in Moscow to talk to Medvedev, Comrade [Companheiro] Obama had called Moscow to talk to Medvedev. I arrived in Qatar, Hillary Clinton had called Qatar, all to say that I was naive, that I was credulous, that Ahmadinejad was playing for time, that he wouldn’t negotiate.
In Copenhagen, in December, we had been discussing with Ahmadinejad him freeing that Frenchwoman [Clotilde Reiss, a French student arrested in Tehran airport on July 1st, 2009, and tried for espionage]. My Foreign Minister went to Tehran three times to talk about this. The fact is that Ahmadinejad complied. I arrived at midnight in Tehran, at 5am he put her on the plane. Then we began to talk about negotiations. The following day, at 9am, Ahmadinejad agreed to sign the accord. I said to Ahmadinejad: You know what the other presidents say? That you don’t keep your word. I want you to sign here. The important thing is that the proposal that Ahmadinejad signed with Turkey and Brazil is the one that President Obama sent to us in a letter, 15 days before I travelled. What surprised me was that when Ahmadinejad agreed, the Group of Five, particularly the Vienna Group, decided to punish Ahmadinejad. Perhaps because they felt that Brazil had meddled in a field it shouldn’t have done. But the plain fact is that we got what they wanted and weren’t able to get. So I was a bit frustrated, because politics doesn’t have room for small-minded gestures. A politician who leads a nation, he can say yes, or he can say no. He cannot pretend that something hasn’t happened. We were very tough with Ahmadinejad, we talked a lot about politics, I told him of all the risks we ran if things stalled, and he agreed. And when he agreed, people decided to punish him. I’ve never seen political isolation helping anything.
Others have other interpretations, don’t they?
President: I’m not interpreting, I’m stating hard facts.
The criticism one often hears of Brazil’s foreign policy is that curiously you seem to be closer friends with some authoritarian regimes than with Obama, for example. And Obama is the president of the United States who probably agrees most with your world vision. But in general, it’s that Brazil could be a moral force to defend human rights and democracy around the world. You never criticise Chavez, who is elected, it’s true, but is not governing in a particularly democratic way. You’re a good friend of the Castros and of Ahmadinejad. What do you say to that?
President: By saying that those who are enemies are unable to build peace. On 21st January, 2003, I had been 21 days in office when I went to the inauguration of President Gutiérrez in Ecuador, and there I met Chávez and Fidel Castro. Chavez was in a difficult situation, still experiencing repercussions from the recent coup against him. I proposed to him that we could set up a Group of Friends to solve the problem of democracy in Venezuela. Somebody has to talk.
In politics, you can’t put you feet up and think: “I’m not going to talk to anybody. My adviser’s going to talk to them.” That’s not how to do politics. There was a time when Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt sat at a table, ordered fine Cognac, a good whisky, and made decisions and solved the world’s problems. Today there are more people, more lead artists and a bigger supporting cast, so there must be more politics, more talking.
When I proposed that the US should join the Group of Friends of Venezuela, Chávez didn’t want it. And Chávez was in New York, we brought them here to Brazil to show him that it was impor
Paulo de Tarso Brandão mandou: Agora vai!
Promotora denuncia caminhoneiro por atropelar duas galinhas no RSEspecial para o UOL Notícias
Em Porto Alegre
O atropelamento de duas galinhas na rodovia RS-480, que liga Erechim a São Valentim, no norte gaúcho, pode custar até um ano de detenção, além de multa, ao caminhoneiro Alexandre Ribeiro do Prado.
Ele foi denunciado nesta terça-feira (19) pela promotora de Justiça Karina Albuquerque Denicol, que encaminhou o caso ao Fórum de São Valentim. Segundo a promotora, que atua na área ambiental, o motorista poderia ter evitado o atropelamento.
Pode até parecer ridículo processar alguém por se tratar de galinhas, mas são vidas que foram sacrificadas. E vidas precisam ser preservadas”, relatou a promotora.
Em entrevista à rádio Difusora, de Bento Gonçalves, Karina afirmou que trafegava pela mesma estrada quando viu, pelo retrovisor, que o caminhoneiro atropelou intencionalmente os animais. Como ele conduzia o veículo em baixa velocidade, não haveria, segundo ela, risco de acidente na rodovia.
Ao chegar em São Valentim, a promotora acionou a Brigada Militar. O motorista infrator foi parado assim que ingressou na área urbana e assinou um termo circunstanciado. O documento foi encaminhado ao Ministério Público.
Segundo Alexandre Prado, era impossível parar o caminhão sem risco de acidente, pois o veículo estava carregado com 12 toneladas de carne suína. A carga vinha de Chapecó, no oeste catarinense.
“Se eu parasse bruscamente, podia tombar a carreta e colocar a minha vida em risco. E se morre alguém num acidente desse tipo?”, questionou o condutor.
Segundo a lei 9.605, que trata de condutas e atividades lesivas ao meio ambiente, praticar abuso, maus tratos, ferir ou mutilar animais silvestres, domésticos ou exóticos pode custar detenção de três meses a um ano, além de multa.
Se a conduta resultar na morte do animal, a pena pode ser aumentada de um sexto a um terço.
Segundo a promotora, Prado pode se beneficiar de uma transação penal, pois não tem antecedentes criminais. Se condenado, a pena poderá ser convertida em multa de um salário mínimo a ser doado a uma instituição de caridade.
A primeira audiência do caso foi marcada para 3 de novembro.
Estes casos relevantes para o Direito Penal.....
Promotora denuncia caminhoneiro por atropelar duas galinhas no RSEspecial para o UOL Notícias
Em Porto Alegre
O atropelamento de duas galinhas na rodovia RS-480, que liga Erechim a São Valentim, no norte gaúcho, pode custar até um ano de detenção, além de multa, ao caminhoneiro Alexandre Ribeiro do Prado.
Ele foi denunciado nesta terça-feira (19) pela promotora de Justiça Karina Albuquerque Denicol, que encaminhou o caso ao Fórum de São Valentim. Segundo a promotora, que atua na área ambiental, o motorista poderia ter evitado o atropelamento.
Pode até parecer ridículo processar alguém por se tratar de galinhas, mas são vidas que foram sacrificadas. E vidas precisam ser preservadas”, relatou a promotora.
Em entrevista à rádio Difusora, de Bento Gonçalves, Karina afirmou que trafegava pela mesma estrada quando viu, pelo retrovisor, que o caminhoneiro atropelou intencionalmente os animais. Como ele conduzia o veículo em baixa velocidade, não haveria, segundo ela, risco de acidente na rodovia.
Ao chegar em São Valentim, a promotora acionou a Brigada Militar. O motorista infrator foi parado assim que ingressou na área urbana e assinou um termo circunstanciado. O documento foi encaminhado ao Ministério Público.
Segundo Alexandre Prado, era impossível parar o caminhão sem risco de acidente, pois o veículo estava carregado com 12 toneladas de carne suína. A carga vinha de Chapecó, no oeste catarinense.
“Se eu parasse bruscamente, podia tombar a carreta e colocar a minha vida em risco. E se morre alguém num acidente desse tipo?”, questionou o condutor.
Segundo a lei 9.605, que trata de condutas e atividades lesivas ao meio ambiente, praticar abuso, maus tratos, ferir ou mutilar animais silvestres, domésticos ou exóticos pode custar detenção de três meses a um ano, além de multa.
Se a conduta resultar na morte do animal, a pena pode ser aumentada de um sexto a um terço.
Segundo a promotora, Prado pode se beneficiar de uma transação penal, pois não tem antecedentes criminais. Se condenado, a pena poderá ser convertida em multa de um salário mínimo a ser doado a uma instituição de caridade.
A primeira audiência do caso foi marcada para 3 de novembro.
Estes casos relevantes para o Direito Penal.....
Bagatela na ESMESC - FOi bem legal
Esmesc promove exibição e debate do documentário "Bagatela" e homenagem aos Professores
A Escola Superior da Magistratura do Estado de Santa Catarina – Esmesc realizou ontem, dia 14 de outubro, a exibição e debate do Documentário "Bagatela" que retrata a trajetória de Maria Aparecida e Sueli, mulheres presas por pequenos furtos; expondo as fragilidades do sistema judiciário brasileiro e a tensa relação entre quem quer ajudar e quem precisa de ajuda.
A abertura do evento foi comandada pelo Diretor Geral da Escola, juiz Silvio José Franco e estiveram presentes Magistrados, Professores, Alunos da ESMESC e das diversas instituições de ensino superior da Grande Florianópolis e demais operadores do direito, bem como a produtora e diretora do documentário Clara Ramos.
Após a exibição, o coordenador científico do evento, juiz Alexandre Morais da Rosa, abriu espaço para discussão sobre os “crimes de bagatela”.
“O documentário é impactante. Faz repensar nossas posições ingênuas e a serviço do poder. É o verdadeiro espetáculo de higiene social, levado a efeito por juristas de plantão e iludidos ideológicos, além de mostrar um pouco mais do porque dos 80% da massa de presos no Brasil ganha até dois salários mínimos por mês”, comenta o juiz Alexandre.
Na ocasião, a Editora Lumen Juris realizou sessão de autógrafos do livro “O Ponto Cego do Direito: The brazillians lessons ”, do professor da Universidade de Coimbra - Portugal, Dr. Rui Cunha Martins, que também participou do debate sobre o documentário “Bagatela”.
Na sequência, foi oferecido um jantar em homenagem ao Dia do Professor, brindado com a parceria musical dos Diretores da Escola, Silvio Franco (vocal e violão) e Cláudio Eduardo (violino), acompanhados de Matheus Franco (violão e guitarra).
A Escola registra sua homenagem ao honroso trabalho prestado por todos os mestres que já passaram por suas salas de aula, contribuindo para a concretização de seus objetivos na formação dos operadores do direito.
“Um professor é a personificada consciência do aluno; confirma-o nas suas dúvidas; explica-lhes o motivo de sua insatisfação e lhe estimula a vontade de melhorar”. Thomas Mann
A Escola Superior da Magistratura do Estado de Santa Catarina – Esmesc realizou ontem, dia 14 de outubro, a exibição e debate do Documentário "Bagatela" que retrata a trajetória de Maria Aparecida e Sueli, mulheres presas por pequenos furtos; expondo as fragilidades do sistema judiciário brasileiro e a tensa relação entre quem quer ajudar e quem precisa de ajuda.
A abertura do evento foi comandada pelo Diretor Geral da Escola, juiz Silvio José Franco e estiveram presentes Magistrados, Professores, Alunos da ESMESC e das diversas instituições de ensino superior da Grande Florianópolis e demais operadores do direito, bem como a produtora e diretora do documentário Clara Ramos.
Após a exibição, o coordenador científico do evento, juiz Alexandre Morais da Rosa, abriu espaço para discussão sobre os “crimes de bagatela”.
“O documentário é impactante. Faz repensar nossas posições ingênuas e a serviço do poder. É o verdadeiro espetáculo de higiene social, levado a efeito por juristas de plantão e iludidos ideológicos, além de mostrar um pouco mais do porque dos 80% da massa de presos no Brasil ganha até dois salários mínimos por mês”, comenta o juiz Alexandre.
Na ocasião, a Editora Lumen Juris realizou sessão de autógrafos do livro “O Ponto Cego do Direito: The brazillians lessons ”, do professor da Universidade de Coimbra - Portugal, Dr. Rui Cunha Martins, que também participou do debate sobre o documentário “Bagatela”.
Na sequência, foi oferecido um jantar em homenagem ao Dia do Professor, brindado com a parceria musical dos Diretores da Escola, Silvio Franco (vocal e violão) e Cláudio Eduardo (violino), acompanhados de Matheus Franco (violão e guitarra).
A Escola registra sua homenagem ao honroso trabalho prestado por todos os mestres que já passaram por suas salas de aula, contribuindo para a concretização de seus objetivos na formação dos operadores do direito.
“Um professor é a personificada consciência do aluno; confirma-o nas suas dúvidas; explica-lhes o motivo de sua insatisfação e lhe estimula a vontade de melhorar”. Thomas Mann
Manifesto Contra Arma TASER - um convite à tortura policial

Pistola Taser M-26, modelo comprado pela Prefeitura de Araçariguama para uso da Guarda Municipal
O especialista em segurança pública e ex-juiz Walter Maierovich alerta sobre os perigos do uso da arma Taser, que emite ondas que causam uma rápida paralisia. A discussão surgiu por causa da compra de seis armas pela Prefeitura de Araçariguama, a 50 km de São Paulo, que serão usadas pela Guarda Municipal da cidade.
“Eu acho que é uma temeridade, um absurdo. Os riscos são terríveis”, diz o especialista, que cita um artigo da Anistia Internacional sobre as supostas mortes causadas pela Taser nos Estados Unidos. De acordo com a entidade, 150 pessoas morreram naquele país desde 2001 por causa da arma. A Taser também é usada no Canadá, Argentina, Austrália, Espanha, França, Israel, Reino Unido, Alemanha e México.
Veja o vídeo: Arma importada dos EUA é motivo de polêmica.
A arma Taser dispara dardos que penetram na roupa do suspeito, aderem ao corpo e liberam uma descarga elétrica. Ela emite um tipo de pulso que tem a mesma freqüência da onda cerebral. O corpo prioriza a nova mensagem e “deixa o cérebro falando sozinho”, ou seja, as ondas cerebrais reais deixam de ser reconhecidas por alguns segundos e a pessoa cai, paralisada. O efeito do disparo dura, em média, 15 segundos.
No informe internacional, a Anistia diz que “estudos recentes indicam a necessidade de investigar mais os efeitos adversos potenciais das descargas da arma”. De acordo com Maierovich, que cita a entidade, ela poderia causar problemas a pessoas com cardiopatias e sob efeito de drogas.
O prefeito de Araçariguama, Carlos Aimar (PFL), garante que foi feito um levantamento técnico sobre a arma e um médico do município autorizou a compra. “Nosso corpo clínico deu um parecer favorável dizendo que não há nenhum risco”, disse. O município comprou seis equipamentos para o uso de seus 14 guardas, ao custo de US$ 779 cada (cerca de R$ 1,6 mil).
Para comprovar a segurança da arma, Aimar aceitou levar um “tiro”. “Eu fui atingido por um dos disparos para a gente ver se a coisa era como se falava. Eu fui uma das cobaias. Você perde a mobilidade, dá uma moleza”, conta o prefeito. Araçariguama é o primeiro município brasileiro a usar a arma na Guarda Municipal e decidiu comprar as Tasers porque os guardas não podem usar revólveres, já que a cidade tem menos de 50 mil habitantes (20 mil).
Segundo a Secretaria de Segurança Pública, em 2005, foram registrados na cidade oito homicídios, 204 furtos, 19 roubos e 44 carros roubados. A maior variação ocorreu no caso dos homicídios: foram dois em 2004, seis em 2003 e três em 2002. Os demais delitos não sofreram grandes variações nesse período.
O promotor Carlos Cardoso, assessor de Direitos Humanos do Ministério Público de São Paulo, informou que encaminhará a notícia ao promotor da região para que ele “examine a conveniência e legalidade deste tipo de armamento”. “Até onde eu estou informado, não é proibido, embora cause estranheza o uso desta arma em um município pequeno. Não é função da guarda civil local combater a criminalidade”, afirma.
Mortes sem comprovaçãoA representante dos produtos Taser no Brasil, a Ability BR, garante que a arma não traz riscos. “Até agora mais de 150 mil pessoas foram atingidas pelos disparos do Taser e ela nunca matou ninguém. Eu já levei sete tiros
de taser”, diz o consultor de segurança pública da empresa, Paulo Rogério Ribeiro Luz. O consultor acusa a Anistia Internacional de divulgar informações das supostas mortes sem comprovação.
Apenas este ano, foram vendidas 800 armas do mesmo tipo em todo o país. A Taser só pode ser adquirida por órgãos governamentais, de segurança pública e guardas municipais. É preciso, entretanto, uma autorização da Diretoria de Fiscalização de Produtos Controlados, órgão do Exército. O G1 procurou a DFPC, mas não obteve resposta sobre a certificação ao município.
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